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Monday, December 25, 2023

40 points on Numerology is True & False

Numerology is a belief system that suggests there is a mystical relationship between numbers and events in the real world. It's based on the idea that numbers have inherent spiritual or cosmic significance and can influence human life and destiny.

From a scientific standpoint, there is no empirical evidence to support the claims of numerology. The concept lacks a foundation in established scientific principles, and its assertions are not verifiable through controlled experiments or observations.

Numerology is often considered a form of pseudoscience, which means it lacks a scientific basis and is not widely accepted by the scientific community. While some people find meaning or enjoyment in exploring numerology for personal or spiritual reasons, it's essential to recognize that its validity is subjective and not supported by scientific evidence. Individuals are free to explore and engage with numerology if it aligns with their personal beliefs and preferences, but it's important to distinguish it from scientifically validated fields.

It's important to note that numerology is not a scientifically proven or validated field. The points below are commonly cited by those who believe in numerology, but they lack empirical evidence and are subjective interpretations. Keep in mind that these points are presented from a perspective that accepts numerology as true, but they do not constitute scientific evidence:

Numerology is true:

1. **Personal Experiences:** Individuals often claim to have had personal experiences that align with numerological predictions, attributing events in their lives to specific numbers.

2. **Historical Usage:** Numerology has a long history, and proponents argue that its presence in various cultures throughout time suggests its validity.

3. **Architectural and Design Choices:** Some argue that the use of certain numbers in architecture or design has contributed to the success or positive energy of specific structures.

4. **Religious Texts:** Numerological references are found in religious texts, and believers argue that this supports the spiritual significance of numbers.

5. **Celebrities and Successful Individuals:** Some people point to successful individuals and celebrities who claim to follow numerology as evidence of its effectiveness in their lives.

6. **Patterns in Nature:** Supporters of numerology suggest that numerical patterns in nature, such as the Fibonacci sequence, indicate a universal connection between numbers and the natural world.

7. **Psychological Comfort:** Engaging with numerology can provide psychological comfort and a sense of control for individuals seeking meaning in their lives.

8. **Cultural Traditions:** Numerology is integrated into the cultural practices of some societies, with believers arguing that its prevalence reinforces its legitimacy.

9. **Intuition and Gut Feelings:** Some people claim that they intuitively feel a connection between certain numbers and events, suggesting a deeper, unseen influence.

10. **Numerological Compatibility:** Believers often use numerology to analyze relationships and compatibility between individuals, suggesting that certain numbers align harmoniously.

11. **Life Path Numbers:** Numerology assigns a life path number based on one's birthdate, and adherents argue that this number accurately reflects a person's life journey and characteristics.

12. **Timing of Events:** Numerology is often used to predict favorable times for certain activities or decisions, and individuals may attribute successful outcomes to following numerological guidance.

13. **Symbolic Meanings:** Numbers are assigned symbolic meanings in numerology, and proponents argue that these meanings resonate with real-life experiences.

14. **Cyclic Patterns:** Numerology often involves the analysis of cyclical patterns, such as personal years or months, with believers attributing significance to these cycles.

15. **Frequency in Everyday Life:** Numerology enthusiasts may argue that specific numbers or number sequences appear frequently in everyday life, suggesting a meaningful connection.

16. **Personal Transformation:** Some individuals claim that engaging with numerology has led to personal growth and positive changes in their lives.

17. **Business Success Stories:** Numerology is sometimes used in business for naming and branding, and proponents may point to successful companies as evidence of its efficacy.

18. **Color and Sound Associations:** Numerology extends beyond numbers to include associations with colors and sounds, with believers arguing that these associations have a tangible impact.

19. **Astrological Connections:** Numerology is sometimes linked with astrology, and individuals may find correlations between their astrological profile and numerological characteristics.

20. **Testimonials and Anecdotes:** Supporters of numerology often share personal testimonials and anecdotes, emphasizing positive outcomes attributed to following numerological guidance.

21. **Cultural Integration:** Numerology is integrated into various cultural practices, suggesting a widespread acknowledgment of its significance.

22. **Biblical References:** Numerology enthusiasts may point to biblical references and the use of numbers in religious contexts as evidence of a deeper numerical meaning.

23. **Alignment with Astrology:** Some argue that there is a correlation between numerology and astrology, reinforcing the idea that numbers play a significant role in shaping individual destinies.

24. **Geomancy and Sacred Geometry:** Numerology is sometimes associated with geomancy and sacred geometry, with believers seeing connections between numerical patterns and the fundamental structure of the universe.

25. **Medical Numerology:** Advocates of medical numerology claim that certain health conditions can be predicted or understood through the analysis of specific numbers.

26. **Personal Empowerment:** Numerology is seen by some as a tool for personal empowerment, providing individuals with insights into their strengths and weaknesses.

27. **Repetition in Nature:** Numerology supporters argue that repetitive numerical patterns in nature, such as the hexagonal structure of beehives, indicate a universal numerical order.

28. **Numerological Compatibility in Relationships:** Believers often use numerology to assess the compatibility between individuals in relationships, suggesting that certain numbers are more harmonious.

29. **Business Numerology:** Numerology is employed in business naming and branding strategies, and proponents may highlight successful businesses as examples of its efficacy.

30. **Sacred Numbers in Ancient Civilizations:** The use of specific numbers in ancient civilizations is often cited as evidence of their inherent spiritual or cosmic significance.

31. **Predictive Abilities:** Numerology is sometimes claimed to have predictive abilities, with adherents asserting that certain numbers can foretell future events.

32. **Numerological Healing:** Some practitioners of alternative medicine incorporate numerology into their healing practices, arguing that specific numbers are associated with physical and mental well-being.

33. **Numerology in Art and Literature:** Numerology is said to be reflected in various forms of artistic expression, with artists and writers incorporating numerical symbolism into their works.

34. **Universal Synchronicity:** Numerology enthusiasts often speak of universal synchronicity, where certain numbers consistently appear in meaningful ways across different contexts.

35. **Numerology in Education:** Proponents of numerology may argue that the use of specific numbers in educational systems reflects a deeper connection between numbers and human development.

36. **Quantum Mysticism:** Some individuals link numerology with quantum mysticism, suggesting that the fundamental nature of reality is intertwined with numerical patterns.

37. **Numerology in Music:** Believers may find significance in numerical patterns in music, asserting that certain compositions or frequencies have spiritual or transformative qualities.

38. **Animal Symbolism:** Numerology is sometimes associated with animal symbolism, with believers seeing connections between specific numbers and the spiritual qualities of animals.

39. **Numerological Predictions in Sports:** Enthusiasts might claim that numerology can be used to predict sports outcomes or player performances, pointing to instances where numerical analysis seems to align with results.

40. **Interconnectedness of Life Events:** Numerology proponents argue that the interconnectedness of various life events can be better understood through the analysis of numerical patterns.

It's crucial to approach these points with a critical mindset, recognizing that the subjective experiences and interpretations of numerology enthusiasts do not provide scientifically rigorous evidence for the validity of numerology. Numerology remains a belief system without empirical support from the scientific community. While these points reflect common beliefs among numerology enthusiasts, it's essential to approach numerology with a critical mindset and recognize that these claims are not scientifically validated. Personal anecdotes and subjective experiences do not constitute objective evidence.

Numerology lacks scientific credibility and empirical evidence, and critics argue that its principles are based on subjective interpretations and selective attention to patterns. Here are 40 points often presented by sceptics to challenge the validity of numerology:

Numerology is false:

1. **Lack of Scientific Basis:** Numerology has not been validated through scientific methods, and its core principles lack a foundation in established scientific theories.

2. **Subjective Interpretations:** Numerological readings often involve subjective interpretations that can vary among practitioners, leading to inconsistent and contradictory results.

3. **Confirmation Bias:** Individuals practicing numerology may selectively focus on instances where numerical patterns seem to align with their predictions, ignoring cases where they do not.

4. **No Predictive Power:** Despite claims of predictive abilities, numerology has not demonstrated consistent and reliable predictive power in controlled experiments.

5. **Ambiguous Definitions:** Numerology relies on ambiguous and flexible definitions of numbers and their associated meanings, making it difficult to establish clear criteria for validation.

6. **Cultural Variation:** Numerological interpretations vary across cultures, undermining the idea of universal significance for specific numbers.

7. **Cherry-Picking Examples:** Numerology enthusiasts may highlight specific examples that seem to support their claims while ignoring instances that contradict them.

8. **Forer Effect:** The Forer effect refers to the tendency of individuals to accept vague and general personality descriptions as highly accurate, a phenomenon that can be observed in numerology readings.

9. **No Mechanism of Action:** Numerology lacks a plausible mechanism to explain how numbers could influence events or human characteristics.

10. **Numerological Conflicts:** Different numerological systems may yield conflicting results for the same individual, casting doubt on the consistency and reliability of numerology.

11. **Ignorance of Probability:** Numerology often involves assigning significance to rare events or coincidences without considering the inherent probability of such occurrences.

12. **Selective Memory:** People practicing numerology may remember instances where numerical patterns seemed to align with events while forgetting cases where they did not.

13. **Psychological Placebo:** Any positive effects attributed to numerology may be explained by the placebo effect, where individuals experience improvement due to belief rather than the effectiveness of the method itself.

14. **Anecdotal Nature:** Numerology relies heavily on anecdotal evidence and personal testimonials, which are not reliable indicators of its validity.

15. **Cognitive Biases:** Individuals engaged in numerology may exhibit cognitive biases, such as pattern recognition and confirmation bias, leading them to perceive meaningful connections that do not exist.

16. **Overlap with Coincidence:** Numerological patterns may overlap with coincidences, and the attribution of meaning to these patterns may be arbitrary.

17. **Astrology Critique:** Critics argue that numerology shares some of the same flaws as astrology, another pseudoscientific belief system.

18. **Inconsistent Application:** Numerologists may apply their principles inconsistently, adapting interpretations based on individual circumstances or desired outcomes.

19. **Incompatibility with Physics:** Numerology does not align with the principles of physics, and the purported influence of numbers on human life lacks a basis in scientific understanding.

20. **Failure to Withstand Scrutiny:** Numerology has not withstood rigorous scientific scrutiny and testing, further undermining its credibility as a reliable method for understanding or predicting events.

21. **Unfalsifiability:** Numerology often presents unfalsifiable claims, meaning that it is structured in a way that makes it difficult to prove or disprove its assertions.

22. **Arbitrary Assignments:** The assignment of specific meanings to numbers in numerology is often arbitrary and lacks a consistent basis or rationale.

23. **No Peer-Reviewed Research:** There is a lack of credible, peer-reviewed research supporting the claims of numerology, indicating a dearth of scientific validation.

24. **Cultural Evolution:** Numerological interpretations have evolved over time and across cultures, suggesting that they are shaped by societal beliefs rather than inherent cosmic truths.

25. **Failure to Predict Historical Events:** Numerology has not demonstrated the ability to predict significant historical events in a way that surpasses random chance.

26. **Misapplication of Mathematics:** Critics argue that numerology misapplies mathematical concepts and principles, leading to flawed interpretations.

27. **Retroactive Adjustment:** Numerologists may adjust interpretations retroactively to fit events, a practice that undermines the predictive value of their analyses.

28. **Contradictions Between Systems:** Different numerological systems may contradict each other, raising questions about their reliability and validity.

29. **Failure to Gain Mainstream Acceptance:** Numerology has not gained widespread acceptance in the scientific or academic communities, contrasting with validated fields of study.

30. **Post Hoc Reasoning:** Numerology often involves post hoc reasoning, where practitioners attribute significance to numbers after an event has occurred.

31. **Discrepancies in Personal Readings:** Individuals who receive numerology readings may find discrepancies and inconsistencies even when consulting different numerologists.

32. **No Mechanism for Interaction:** Numerology lacks a plausible explanation for how numbers could interact with the physical world or influence human behavior.

33. **Absence of Controlled Experiments:** Numerology has not been subjected to controlled experiments that could demonstrate its reliability or validity.

34. **Challenges with Life Path Numbers:** Life path numbers, a key concept in numerology, are criticized for their vagueness and inability to provide specific, testable predictions.

35. **Influence of Cognitive Biases:** Numerology enthusiasts may be influenced by cognitive biases such as the expectancy bias, shaping their interpretation of events based on preconceived notions.

36. **Failure to Predict Individual Variability:** Numerology often overlooks the vast individual variability in human experiences and characteristics, making broad predictions challenging.

37. **Overlap with Other Pseudosciences:** Numerology shares similarities with other pseudosciences, raising questions about its unique validity.

38. **Ignoring Negative Outcomes:** Numerologists may focus on positive outcomes and overlook instances where their predictions do not come to fruition.

39. **Variability in Interpretations:** Numerology lacks a standardized method for interpretation, leading to variations in readings and outcomes among practitioners.

40. **Skepticism from Professionals:** Professionals in fields such as psychology, mathematics, and physics often express skepticism about the validity of numerology.

It's important to approach numerology with a critical mindset and consider the lack of scientific support when evaluating its claims. While it may hold personal or cultural significance for some, numerology does not meet the criteria of a scientifically validated and reliable system for understanding or predicting events. It's important to approach numerology critically and recognize that its claims lack scientific support. While some individuals may find personal meaning or enjoyment in numerology, it is not a validated or reliable system for understanding the world or predicting future events.

Let us know your opinion in the below comment box.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

EPC Contract

The full form of EPC is Engineering, Procurement, and Construction. This contract is a common form of agreement used in the construction and infrastructure industries. It involves a single contractor responsible for the entire project, from design and engineering to procurement and construction. Here are important 40 points on EPC contracts, along with explanations of their advantages and disadvantages:

1. Lump Sum Pricing:

  • Advantage: Provides cost certainty for the project owner.
  • Disadvantage: Contractor assumes risks and may inflate the initial cost estimate.

2. Turnkey Solution:

  • Advantage: Project owner has a single point of contact and responsibility.
  • Disadvantage: Limited owner involvement in the decision-making process.

3. Design-Build Approach:

  • Advantage: Faster project completion due to concurrent design and construction.
  • Disadvantage: Limited flexibility for design changes after construction starts.

4. Risk Allocation:

  • Advantage: Clear delineation of risks between the owner and contractor.
  • Disadvantage: Can lead to disputes if risks are not adequately defined.

5. Single Responsibility:

  • Advantage: Simplifies project management for the owner.
  • Disadvantage: May result in a lack of owner control over individual project phases.

6. Project Management by Contractor:

  • Advantage: Streamlines decision-making and coordination.
  • Disadvantage: Potential conflicts of interest between cost and quality.

7. Cost Control:

  • Advantage: Allows owners to fix costs early in the project.
  • Disadvantage: Contractor may increase contingency to cover unforeseen risks.

8. Time Efficiency:

  • Advantage: Faster project delivery due to overlapping design and construction.
  • Disadvantage: Limited flexibility for schedule adjustments.

9. Quality Control:

  • Advantage: Contractor is responsible for meeting quality standards.
  • Disadvantage: Owner may have limited control over the quality assurance process.

10. Fixed Timeline:

  • Advantage: Provides a clear schedule for project completion.
  • Disadvantage: May lead to shortcuts that compromise quality.

11. Guaranteed Price:

  • Advantage: Owner has cost certainty from the outset.
  • Disadvantage: Contractor may include contingencies leading to higher costs.

12. Project Financing:

  • Advantage: Easier financing as lenders prefer EPC contracts.
  • Disadvantage: Higher financing costs due to perceived risks.

13. Scope Clarity:

  • Advantage: Clearly defines the scope of work, minimizing scope changes.
  • Disadvantage: May not accommodate changes that arise during construction.

14. Single Point of Contact:

  • Advantage: Simplifies communication and coordination.
  • Disadvantage: Limited input from specialized subcontractors.

15. Performance Guarantees:

  • Advantage: Contractor guarantees project performance criteria.
  • Disadvantage: Requires careful definition and monitoring of performance metrics.

16. Competitive Bidding:

  • Advantage: Promotes competition, potentially reducing costs.
  • Disadvantage: Quality may be compromised to win bids.

17. Early Start on Construction:

  • Advantage: Construction can commence before detailed design completion.
  • Disadvantage: Design changes may cause delays.

18. Minimal Owner Involvement:

  • Advantage: Owner can focus on other aspects of the business.
  • Disadvantage: Limited control and input in project decisions.

19. Comprehensive Project Documentation:

  • Advantage: Detailed documentation minimizes misunderstandings.
  • Disadvantage: Time and cost associated with extensive documentation.

20. Change Management:

  • Advantage: Formal process for handling changes.
  • Disadvantage: Can lead to disputes if not managed effectively.

21. Performance Bonds:

  • Advantage: Provides financial security for the owner.
  • Disadvantage: Adds to project costs for the contractor.

22. Subcontractor Coordination:

  • Advantage: Contractor manages all subcontractors for the owner.
  • Disadvantage: Subcontractor issues may impact the overall project.

23. Warranty Period:

  • Advantage: Contractor is responsible for defects during the warranty period.
  • Disadvantage: Potential disputes over what constitutes a defect.

24. Insurance:

  • Advantage: Clear insurance requirements protect both parties.
  • Disadvantage: Premiums may contribute to overall project costs.

25. Design Responsibility:

  • Advantage: Contractor is responsible for design errors.
  • Disadvantage: Design changes may lead to additional costs and delays.

26. Performance Metrics:

  • Advantage: Clearly defined criteria for successful project completion.
  • Disadvantage: Disputes may arise over interpretation of metrics.

27. Local Regulations Compliance:

  • Advantage: Contractor ensures compliance with local regulations.
  • Disadvantage: Regulatory changes may impact project costs.

28. Environmental Compliance:

  • Advantage: Contractor ensures adherence to environmental standards.
  • Disadvantage: Environmental issues may lead to delays or added costs.

29. Communication Protocols:

  • Advantage: Formalized communication channels enhance project efficiency.
  • Disadvantage: Strict protocols may slow down decision-making.

30. Payment Terms:

  • Advantage: Clear payment milestones provide financial visibility.
  • Disadvantage: Front-loaded payment terms may affect contractor motivation.

31. Dispute Resolution Mechanism:

  • Advantage: Defines a process for resolving disputes.
  • Disadvantage: Lengthy resolution processes may hinder project progress.

32. Financial Penalties:

  • Advantage: Encourages adherence to project timelines.
  • Disadvantage: May lead to rushed work and compromise quality.

33. Flexibility for Innovation:

  • Advantage: Contractor may propose innovative solutions.
  • Disadvantage: Innovation may introduce uncertainties and risks.

34. Owner's Representative:

  • Advantage: Provides an owner's representative for oversight.
  • Disadvantage: Adds an additional layer of management.

35. Technology Transfer:

  • Advantage: Allows the transfer of technology and knowledge.
  • Disadvantage: May face resistance from the contractor.

36. Long-Term Maintenance:

  • Advantage: May include provisions for long-term maintenance.
  • Disadvantage: Higher initial costs for extended services.

37. Currency Fluctuation Management:

  • Advantage: May include mechanisms to manage currency fluctuations.
  • Disadvantage: Complexity and cost associated with such mechanisms.

38. Performance Reviews:

  • Advantage: Regular reviews ensure adherence to quality and timelines.
  • Disadvantage: May strain the contractor-owner relationship.

39. Social Responsibility:

  • Advantage: May include provisions for social responsibility and community engagement.
  • Disadvantage: Additional costs associated with social initiatives.

40. Exit Strategy:

  • Advantage: May include provisions for an orderly termination of the contract.
  • Disadvantage: May lead to legal complexities and disputes.

It's important to note that the success of an EPC contract depends on careful drafting, effective communication, and a thorough understanding of the project's requirements and risks by both parties involved.


Saturday, October 7, 2023

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam's life for ALL

Here we are trying to provide some important details and extended version, divided into sections covering Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam's early life, failures, successes, and contributions. Let's start with the first section:

Early Life and Education:

Dr. Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam, born on October 15, 1931, in Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu, India, hailed from a modest Tamil Muslim family. His father, Jainulabdeen, was a boat owner, and his mother, Ashiamma, was a housewife. Kalam's early life was shaped by the values of humility, hard work, and an insatiable curiosity.

Growing up in Rameswaram, a small town with a close-knit community, young Kalam was known for his diligence and dedication to education. He attended the Schwartz Higher Secondary School, where he exhibited a keen interest in mathematics and science. His teachers recognized his exceptional talent and encouraged him to pursue higher education.

Kalam's journey continued at St. Joseph's College, Tiruchirappalli, where he studied physics. While he was an earnest student, it was during these years that he faced his first significant setback—a dream-shattering rejection from the Indian Air Force. Undeterred by this failure, Kalam redirected his ambitions toward aeronautics and space, setting the stage for a remarkable journey of resilience.

Facing Failure:

The rejection from the Indian Air Force was a turning point for Kalam, a moment that could have defined his future negatively. However, instead of succumbing to disappointment, he chose to learn from the setback. The failure fueled his determination to excel in his chosen field, and he redirected his focus towards a career in aerospace engineering.

Kalam's journey to success was not devoid of challenges. Financial constraints loomed large, and he had to take up odd jobs to support his education. Yet, he persisted. His time at the Madras Institute of Technology (MIT) was marked by hard work, determination, and a passion for learning. It was here that he immersed himself in the world of aeronautics, laying the foundation for his groundbreaking contributions to India's space and defense capabilities.

Achieving Success:

As Kalam delved deeper into aerospace engineering, his brilliance and dedication became evident. He graduated from MIT in 1958 and joined the Defense Research and Development Organisation (DRDO). His trajectory toward success gained momentum when he became involved in India's space program.

In the early 1970s, Kalam played a pivotal role in India's space endeavors, particularly in the development of the Satellite Launch Vehicle (SLV) and the successful launch of the Rohini satellite. These achievements catapulted India into the league of nations capable of satellite launch capabilities.

However, Kalam's most significant success came in the realm of defense technology. As the Project Director of India's Integrated Guided Missile Development Program (IGMDP), he led the development of the Agni and Prithvi missiles, showcasing India's prowess in ballistic missile technology. His efforts earned him the moniker "Missile Man of India," symbolizing his role in advancing the country's defense capabilities.

In 1998, India conducted a series of nuclear tests, demonstrating its nuclear capabilities to the world. Kalam, by then the Chief Scientific Advisor to the Prime Minister, played a key role in this historic event. The success of the nuclear tests solidified India's position on the global stage and underscored Kalam's role as a visionary scientist and leader.

Presidency and Beyond:

The pinnacle of Kalam's career came in 2002 when he was elected as the 11th President of India. His presidency marked a departure from traditional ceremonial roles, as Kalam continued to engage with students and young minds, inspiring them to dream big and pursue excellence. His presidency was characterized by a focus on education, youth empowerment, and fostering a scientific temperament in society.

Post-presidency, Kalam remained an influential figure through his writings, speeches, and interactions. His autobiography, "Wings of Fire," became a bestseller, offering insights into his life and the principles that guided him. Kalam's vision extended beyond national borders, and he became a global advocate for science, technology, and education.

Legacy and Contributions to the World:

Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam's contributions transcended national boundaries. His emphasis on education, innovation, and the power of youth resonated not only in India but around the world. Kalam believed that knowledge and technology could be powerful agents for positive change and international cooperation.

In the realm of space exploration, Kalam's contributions laid the foundation for India's continued progress. The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), building on the groundwork laid by Kalam, achieved remarkable milestones, including Mars Orbiter Mission (Mangalyaan) in 2014, showcasing India's capabilities in space exploration.

Kalam's advocacy for sustainable development, renewable energy, and environmental consciousness showcased his forward-looking approach. He envisioned a world where science and technology could be harnessed for the greater good, addressing global challenges such as poverty, hunger, and climate change.

Beyond his professional achievements, Kalam's simplicity, humility, and accessibility endeared him to people from all walks of life. His ability to connect with students, encourage their dreams, and impart wisdom made him a beloved figure, earning him the affectionate title of the "People's President."

Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam left an indelible mark on India and the world. His legacy lives on in the hearts and minds of countless individuals who continue to be inspired by his journey—from a small town in Rameswaram to becoming a globally revered scientist, leader, and visionary. The story of Abdul Kalam is a testament to the power of resilience, the pursuit of knowledge, and the potential of an individual to make a lasting impact on the world.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Breaking strength of coating/membrane

This can be tested as per ANSI 118.10 and tested as per ASTM D751.

Requirement: 170 psi, minimum


Let see the testing procedure:

Thanks to etexlab for testing video.

Let me know your comments below.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Liquid applied waterproofing - FAQ/MCQ brings you FA / MCQ on

Part 1 of 4

Part 2 of 4

Part 3 of 4

Part 4 of 4 requests you to update your views/points/experience in the below comment section..

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

How can PU Sealant fails?

PU (Polyurethane) sealant is a versatile adhesive and sealing material used in various applications, including construction, automotive, and manufacturing. Like any material, PU sealant can fail under certain conditions or due to specific reasons. Here are some common reasons why PU sealant may fail:

1. Improper Surface Preparation: One of the most common causes of PU sealant failure is inadequate surface preparation. The surfaces being sealed must be clean, dry, and free from dust, grease, oil, and contaminants. Failure to prepare the surface properly can prevent the sealant from adhering effectively.

2. Inadequate Adhesion: PU sealants require good adhesion to the substrates they are sealing. If the sealant does not adhere properly, it can fail. This can happen due to poor surface preparation, incompatible substrates, or incorrect application techniques.

3. Incompatible Substrates: PU sealants may not adhere well to certain materials. It's essential to ensure that the sealant is compatible with the substrates it is being applied to. If not, it can fail to bond effectively.

4. Moisture or Contaminant Infiltration: PU sealants are sensitive to moisture during the curing process. If moisture infiltrates the sealant before it has fully cured, it can lead to reduced adhesion and failure. Similarly, contaminants like dirt or oil can compromise the sealant's performance.

5. Improper Mixing: Some PU sealants require two-part mixing before application. If the components are not mixed correctly or in the right proportions, the sealant may not cure properly, leading to failure.

6. Incorrect Application Temperature: PU sealants often have recommended temperature ranges for application and curing. If the sealant is applied outside of these temperature ranges, it may not cure correctly and could fail.

7. Overstretching or Movement: PU sealants are flexible and can accommodate some movement, but excessive stretching or movement beyond their capabilities can cause them to fail. In such cases, a more suitable sealant for high-movement joints may be required.

8. UV Exposure: Some PU sealants are not UV-resistant and can degrade when exposed to sunlight over time. If used in outdoor applications without proper UV protection, they may fail.

9. Aging and Weathering: Over time, PU sealants can deteriorate due to exposure to weather conditions, chemicals, and other environmental factors. This can lead to reduced performance and eventual failure.

10. Poor Quality or Expired Sealant: Using low-quality or expired PU sealant can result in early failure. Always use sealants from reputable manufacturers and check their expiration dates.

To ensure the long-term performance of PU sealants, it's crucial to follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper application, substrate compatibility, and environmental conditions. Regular maintenance and inspection can help detect early signs of sealant failure, allowing for timely repairs or replacements.

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Tensile Strength & Elongation Of Waterproofing Membranes

Important features of waterproofing membranes:
a) tensile strength
b) elongation at break

How these properties for waterproofing performance?
First look at these definitions: 
Elastic Deformation and Elastic Limit: An elastic material deforms when a force is applied to it. So long as the deformation stays within the elastic limit, the material will revert to its original shape when the force is removed. Many waterproofing materials which are described as elastic do not show perfect elastic behaviour i.e the recovery is not 100 % after the force is removed.

Plastic Deformation: A plastic material also deforms when a force is applied to it. However, when the force is removed the material will not recover its original shape. Many plastic materials used for waterproofing exhibit a small recovery but not enough to justify calling them elastic. Elastic materials which are stretched beyond the elastic limit but before the breaking point will deform plastically i.e. with little or no recovery.

Young’s Modulus of Elasticity, E: Young's modulus measures the stiffness of elastic materials or the force needed to deform an object along an axis when the force is applied along that axis; it is measured as the ratio of stress to strain (change in length over the original length).

Comparing two materials with differing E values, the material with lower modulus requires less force to elongate it by a defined amount. In other words, and this is relevant for assessing waterproofing membranes, the material with higher modulus is stressed more for the same elongation compared to a lower modulus material.

a) How important is the tensile strength?
For fully-adhered membranes, consider the stresses imposed on it when the supporting substrate moves due to, for example, settlement or temperature changes. Under these circumstances, the membrane’s tensile strength is irrelevant because its function is not to restrain the movement (it cannot, in any case), but to deform and accommodate the movement without suffering functional damage.

Comparing two materials installed on the same structure:
(i) The membrane with a lower tensile strength and lower E modulus may well fulfill this function and retain its waterproofing integrity so long as the movement is within its deformation limit,
(ii) The other material, on the other hand, with a higher tensile strength and higher modulus (stiffer) may fracture because the elevated stress needed to deform it exceeds its tensile strength. Or, if the built-up tensile stresses overcome its adhesion strength, it will delaminate, allowing the lateral migration of water between the membrane and the substrate in case of leaks thus compromising its waterproofing performance.

In general, tensile strength is important during handling and installation of pre-formed membranes and for loose-laid or mechanically-fixed membranes.

b) How important is the elongation value?
The ability of waterproofing membranes to stretch and elongate under stress is undoubtedly important in applications where the substrate is subjected to movement such as on roof slabs. However, the elongation value, taken in isolation, is often misleading.

Superficially, a material with 800 % ultimate elongation looks far superior to another with 300 % elongation. But consider these points:

Very high elongation values are usually achieved by materials with plastic deformation behaviour or elastic materials which have been stretched beyond their elastic limits. This raises two concerns 
(i) Over the expected service life of the waterproofing membrane, stress cycles in the support structure are repeated countless times. Therefore, plastic elongation with little or no recovery does not measure the membrane’s performance durability.
(ii) Elongation is achieved at the expense of the membrane thinning out. For materials subjected to very high elongation, this thinning effect would have stretched it way past its useful thickness well before breakage occurs.

In view of the above, waterproofing membranes are often reinforced with fabrics; these are built-in for preformed sheets and added during installation for liquid-applied membranes. They serve to add elasticity (recovery property) and/or restrict elongation within useful limits.

Therefore, for a waterproofing membrane applied on structures subject to movement stresses, the elongation value on its own is not sufficient for assessing its fitness for purpose. The important performance property to look for is its dynamic crack-bridging or crack-cycling capability, tested to recognised standards eg EN 1062-7. This test measures the membrane’s ability to elongate and recover over repeated cycles, simulating conditions you would expect the membrane to undergo during its service life.

Now let me know, what you think... in the comment belwo.

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(TWIs) (1) & Method B (1) 1 Gauge = mm (1) 1015-3 (1) 291 (1) 3D table in excel (1) 5 September (1) 5893 (1) 9900240603 (1) A 137.1 (1) A118.8 (1) AAC block adhesive (1) AAC block masonry (1) AASHTO T 277 (1) AASHTO T22 (1) Abrasion resistance (1) abrasion resistant (1) ACE (1) ACI (1) ACI 212.3R (1) ACI 224 (1) ACI 302.1 (1) ACI 504R (1) ACI 515.1 (1) ACID ETCHED (1) Acrylic elastomeric coatings (1) Additive (1) Adhesion retention strength (1) Adhesion Field Test for sealant (1) adhesion of the adhesives (1) Adhesion test (1) adjustable time (3) Administration of shivaji (1) Advantage of using Notch Trowel (1) AGAINST GRAVITY TILE & STONE INSTALLATION (1) Agglomerated stones (1) AISC’s Steel design guide (1) Akshata Scribe (1) ALKALI SILICA REACTION (ASR) (1) All ASTM standards (1) All EN standards (1) All IS standards (1) All ISO standards (1) Ananthapadmanabha Swamy (1) Anchor plates (1) Anchoring (1) anchoring groove (1) ANIS A 118.10 (1) Anjali J - blog (1) Ank vidhya (1) annayya.chandrashekar (1) (1) (3) Ansi 118 requirement table (1) ANSI 118. IS 15477 Almost similar to BS 5980 (1) ANSI 118.10 (1) ANSI A118.3 (1) ANSI B 101.1 (1) ANSI tile adhesive (1) API RP 686 (1) Application videos (1) ARDEX ENDURA (2) AS / NZS 1327 (1) AS 1145 (1) AS 1580.405.1 (1) AS 2358 (1) AS 3706 (1) AS 3749: 2004 (1) AS 3958 (1) AS 3958.1 - surface tolerance (1) As exposed waterproofing for non-accessible roofs (1) AS/NZS 4586:1999 (1) AS39581.1-2007 (1) ASHRAE (1) Astha (1) ASTM 1305 (1) ASTM 2594 (1) ASTM A 36 (1) ASTM A 36M (1) ASTM A307-02 (1) ASTM B 117 (1) ASTM C 1107 (1) ASTM C 1107-02 (1) ASTM C 1193 (1) ASTM C 1202 (1) ASTM C 13155 (1) ASTM C 138 (1) ASTM C 1386 (1) ASTM C 1660 (1) ASTM C 1760 (1) ASTM C 198-01 (1) ASTM C 231 (1) ASTM C 386 (1) ASTM C 490 (1) ASTM C 531 (2) ASTM C 579 (1) ASTM C 617 (1) ASTM C 679 (1) ASTM C 827 (2) ASTM C 836 (1) ASTM C 882 (1) ASTM C 957 / 1127 (1) ASTM C-39 (1) ASTM C-531 (1) ASTM C109 (1) ASTM C109/C109M (1) ASTM C117-17 (1) ASTM C1202 (1) ASTM C1242 (1) ASTM C1437 (1) ASTM C1521 (1) ASTM C1567 / ASTM C1698 (1) ASTM C1611 (1) ASTM C187-191 (1) ASTM C270 (1) ASTM C307-03 (1) ASTM C3094 (1) ASTM C469 - 94 (1) ASTM C472-99. Setting time (1) ASTM C580 (1) ASTM C827 / C827M - 16 (1) ASTM C881 (1) ASTM D 1000 (1) ASTM D 1171 (1) ASTM D 1186 (1) ASTM D 1212 (1) ASTM D 1415 (1) ASTM D 1475 (1) ASTM D 1640 (1) ASTM D 1653 (1) ASTM D 1709 / ISO 7765 Method A (1) ASTM D 1876 (1) ASTM D 2240 (1) ASTM D 2471 (1) ASTM D 2697 (1) ASTM D 2794 (1) ASTM D 3278 (1) ASTM D 3359 (1) ASTM D 3363 (1) ASTM D 374 (1) ASTM D 4366 (1) ASTM D 4414 (1) ASTM D 4587 (1) ASTM D 471 (1) ASTM D 522 (1) ASTM D 523 (2) ASTM D 5276 (1) ASTM D 5385: 93 (1) ASTM D 5635-04a (1) ASTM D 6195 (1) ASTM D 624 (1) ASTM D 645 (1) ASTM D 6878 – 03 (1) ASTM D 695 (1) ASTM D 792 (1) ASTM D 823 (1) ASTM D 882 (1) ASTM D 903 (1) ASTM D-4060 (1) ASTM D1004 (1) ASTM D1149 (1) ASTM D149 (1) ASTM D1883 (1) ASTM D2487 (1) ASTM D2488 (1) ASTM D2584 (1) ASTM D297 (1) ASTM D2979 (1) ASTM D3420 (1) ASTM D3787 (1) ASTM D4400 (1) ASTM D4541 (1) ASTM D5630 (1) ASTM D5957-98 (1) ASTM D6241 (1) ASTM D638 (1) ASTM D751 (1) ASTM D903 (1) ASTM E 1155–96 (1) ASTM E 488 (1) ASTM E 96 (1) ASTM E11 (1) ASTM E119 (1) ASTM E303-93 (1) ASTM E399 - 12e3 (1) ASTM F 1147-05 (1) ASTM F 150 (1) ASTM F710 (1) ASTM G14 (1) ASTM G154 (1) Astrology (1) astrology excel calculation (1) AutoCAD (1) AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE (1) B 101.3 (1) B 30 (1) Back Buttering (1) Balconies (1) Bar Bending Schedule (1) Base plate (2) basement Waterproofing (1) Battel of Shivaji (1) Bava Singificator (1) Beams (1) Beams & Columns (3) beans (1) Below-Grade Waterproofing - Performance Test (1) bending test (1) Bentonite waterproofing (1) blind or vision impaired persons (1) Bond Strength (4) Bonding agent (1) bonding agent for gypsum plaster (1) BRE screed test (1) BRE test (3) Breaking strength of coating/membrane (1) Brick masonry (1) British standards 5295 (1) BS 1881 – Part 122 (1) BS 1881:105 (1) BS 3712 (1) BS 3900 E5 (1) BS 4254 (1) BS 4550 (1) BS 476 (1) BS 476 / 6 & 7 (1) BS 5212 (1) BS 5215 (1) BS 5889 (1) BS 6077 Pt 1 (1) BS 6093 (1) BS 6319 (2) BS 6319:7 (1) BS 6920 (1) BS 7044 (1) BS 7188 (1) BS 7542 (1) BS 7976-2 (1) BS 8102 (1) BS 812 Pt. 114 (1) BS 8204 (3) BS 829 (1) BS EN 1015 (1) BS EN 1062-1 (2) BS EN 12004 (5) BS EN 12004 Almost similar to ISO 13007 (1) BS EN 12350-5 (1) BS EN 12808-3 (1) BS EN 12808-4 (1) BS EN 1308 (1) BS EN 1372 (1) BS EN 13813 (2) BS EN 13888 and IS 4832 and IS 4443 (1) BS EN 13888. (1) BS EN 13892-2 (1) BS EN 13892-3 (1) BS EN 13892-4 (1) BS EN 13892-4 - BCA (1) BS EN 14235 (1) BS EN 14617-1 (1) BS EN 1504 full (1) BS EN 1504-3 (1) BS EN 1504: Part 3 (1) BS EN 2050 (1) BS EN 5385 Part 1 and Part 2 (1) BS EN 8204-2 (1) BS ISO 2878 (1) BS903 Part A26 (1) Bubble Deck (1) building back filling (1) Building foundation (1) Building parts (1) Bulk Modulus (1) C 920 (1) C-Value (1) C1305M-16 (1) C1621 (1) C20 (1) C230 (1) C881M (1) Calculation of BMI (1) calculation of grout (1) Carbon dioxide permeability (1) CARBONATION (1) CBR test (1) CC floor (1) Cement (1) Cement mortar material calculation (1) cement quantity for concrete as per standards (1) cement quantity for plastering (1) Cement test in site (1) Cementitious grout (2) Chemical resistance and stain resistance test (1) Chemical resistance test (1) chemical resistant (1) chemical resistant grout (1) Chemical resistant mortar (1) Chemical-Resistant Mortars (1) chemicals (1) chequered plates (1) Chinese Magic Square (1) Chloride ion content test (1) chlorination of pool (1) Civil engineering (1) Civil engineering chandra Aoo (1) civil engineering notes (1) civil engineering related softwares (1) Civil engineering software (1) Civil engineers (1) Civil Services Day (1) class A (1) Class R4 mortar (1) clay tile (1) Cleaners (1) Cleanroom Technology (1) coating (1) coating test (1) Coefficient of thermal expansion (1) Coffieient of Thermal Expansion (1) Coin hit test (1) cold (1) Cold Liquid-Applied Elastomeric Waterproofing Membrane With Integral Wearing Surface (1) cold liquid-applied elastomeric-type membrane (1) Column Shoes and Anchor Bolts (1) Columns (2) Comments in Word (1) Common doubts in Flooring (1) Common doubts in Tiling doubts (1) Common doubts in Waterproofing doubts (1) Comparison between cementitious Vs epoxy tile joint grout (1) comparisons of product of waterproofing (1) Compatibility Check test (1) compression strength Vs time (1) compressive of tile joint grout (1) Compressive strength (2) Compressive strength for year (1) compressive strength of tile adhesive (1) Concrete (3) Concrete admixture (3) Concrete bonding agent (1) Concrete calculation (1) Concrete Compression test (1) Concrete repair standards (1) concrete subjected to fire or higher temperature (1) Conductive flooring (1) CONSISTENCY TEST (1) CONSTRUCTION (1) Construction chemical list (1) construction chemicals (1) construction sealant (1) Construction Specification (1) Construction standards (1) CORROSION (1) Corrosion Cracks (1) cost comparison (1) Cost Ratio (C.R.) (1) Cover blocks (1) coving application (1) CRA (1) CRA MTO App (1) CRA products (1) Crack bridging test (3) Cracking in an Ozone Controlled Environment (1) Cracks treatment (1) CRD-C 621-93 specifications (1) CRM (1) cross cut (1) CRYSTALLINE COATING TECHNOLOGY (1) CSA A23.1 (1) CSI format (1) CSP SURFACE (1) CTSD (1) Cube size for compressive strength (1) CURING (1) Cuspule singnificator (1) CYLINDRICAL BEND TEST (1) D 5898 – 96 (1) D1709 and D4272 (1) D635 (1) Dairy flooring (1) Dairy industries (1) Davangere (1) DEGREASER (1) Demotivated - Management (1) Determination of expansion of concrete (1) Determination of shrinkage (1) Determination of wear resistance — Böhme (1) Determination of wear resistance-BCA (1) DFT (2) Dheenoddhara trust for the disabled (1) Di-electric strength of material (1) Dielectric (1) difference (1) Difference between CG & RG grouts (1) different paint finishes (1) different type of curing (1) different types of stress (1) DIGITAL LAND SURVEYING AND MAPPING (1) DIN / ISO 6272-2 (1) DIN 1164 (1) DIN 1168 (1) DIN 18515 (1) DIN 18516 (1) DIN 18560 (3) DIN 4102-1 (1) DIN 51220 (1) DIN 52617 (1) DIN 53 217 (1) DIN 53157 (1) DIN 53519 (1) DIN ISO 48 (1) direction for sleep (1) dis-advantage of tensile testing (1) disadvantages of cladding (1) dissipative flooring (1) DKS 2129:2008 (1) Dr APJ Abdul Kalam (1) Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar (1) Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan (1) DRR Govt Polytechnic (2) DRR SChool (2) dry film gauge (2) Dry Film Thickness. (1) Dry Hard Time (1) Dry Recoat time (1) Dry To Handle Time (1) Dry-Through Time (1) Dust Free Times (1) E 135 (1) EARTH SUMMIT (1) easy typing (1) EC@ (1) EC1 (1) EC1plus (1) EC2 (1) Effects of Rapid Deformation (Impact) (1) Efflorescence - causes (1) Efflorescence test (1) Elastic Modulus (1) elasticity test (1) Elcometer (1) electric resistivity (1) Elongation retention strength (1) elongation test (1) email client (1) Emicode (1) EMS (1) EN 1015-11 (1) EN 10204:2004 (1) EN 1062 (1) EN 1097-8:2009 (1) EN 12004 (1) EN 12350-12 (1) EN 12350-9 (1) EN 13036-4:2003 (1) EN 1348 (2) EN 13501-1 (1) EN 13813 (3) EN 13888 (1) EN 1436 : 1997 (1) EN 14891 : 2017 (1) EN 1504-2 (1) EN 196 (2) EN 459-2 (1) EN 480-2 (1) EN ISO 2813 (2) EN ISO 7500-1 (1) EN-934 (1) ENGINEERING (1) Environmental Management System (1) EP 305 (1) EPC Contract (1) Epoxy (3) epoxy adhesive for expansion joints (1) Epoxy and polyurethane flooring (1) Epoxy and PU flooring & coatings (1) Epoxy bonding agent (1) Epoxy flooring (2) Epoxy flooring as per IS STandard (1) Epoxy grout (2) epoxy injection grouting (1) Epoxy primer for PU (1) EPOXY PRODUCTS IN RELATION TO FIRE (1) Epoxy-Resin-Base Bonding Systems (1) ESD floor (1) Estimation and costing (1) excel trick (1) Expansion joint (1) Expansion joint treatment. epoxy adhesive (1) Expansion joints (1) external and internal cladding (1) external fire exposure to roofs (1) Falling Dart Impact Tester (1) FC SS (1) Federal standard 209 (1) fiber mesh (1) find compression strength (1) Fine bed (1) FINENESS TEST (1) FIRE POINT (1) Flash point (1) flexibility test (1) Flexible adhesive (1) Flexural and compression strength in one set (1) Flexural Cracks (1) Flexural strength (1) flexural strength of tile joint grout (1) Flood test (1) Floor adhesive (1) Floor flatness (1) floor hardeners (1) Floor maintenance (1) floor metallic floor hardeners (1) Floor slabs (2) Floor treatment (1) Flooring (5) Flooring & coating (1) Flooring MTO App (1) Flow Time Measurement (1) Food grade certification (1) Food grade epoxy flooring (1) Formula for BMI (1) foundations (1) Four-Step Theory for prediction (1) FREEZING – THAWING (1) FRP Pools (1) full strength concrete (1) Furane based mortar (1) Gel Time test (1) Geosynthetic mat (1) Geotextile (3) GEV (1) Gloss (2) gloss meter (2) Gmail (1) gmail to outlook (1) Good sand (1) GPS surveying (1) grade 1 (1) Grades of Rebar (1) great civil engineering structure (1) Green building - USGBC - GRIHA - LEED - IGBC (1) GRINDING (1) groove (1) grout (1) Grouting (1) GUARANTEES (1) guidlines (1) Hanger (1) Hanger flooring (1) HDPE (2) heat (1) HIGH PRESSURE WATER & BLASTING & JETTING (1) High strength concrete (1) High-Solids Content (1) Hindu vedas (1) HMHDPE (1) hollow sound (1) hollow sound in stones (1) hollow sound in tile (1) HOMOGENEOUS and HETEROGENEOUS (1) House significations (1) how to calculate Challenge Number (1) How to find out BMI (1) How to find out coating coverage from solid content and WFT? SI 101 (1) How to make 3D table (1) HR Rated ASTM E119 (1) humidity (1) Hydraulic Cement cube (1) Hydro static pressure resistant coating (1) hydro-static pressure (1) Hydro-static pressure test of membranes (1) Hydrophilic (1) Hydrophobic (1) Hydrostatic pressure test of membranes (1) Hygroscopic (1) IAS (1) Idioms (1) IEC (1) IEC 60243 (1) India Language (1) Indian festival (1) Indian festival - Republic Day (1) Indian leaders (1) Indian Standards (1) Industrial flooring (2) industrial grade tiles (1) Integral waterproofing (1) inter-locking clay tiles (1) International Hardness (1) interval for expansion joints (1) interview tips (1) Inverted Probe Machine (1) IPS (1) IRC: SP-20 (1) IRHD compact test (1) IS 101 (2) IS 101 : Part 5 : Sec 2 (1) IS 101 : Part 8 : Sec 3 (1) IS 101 P5 S2. (1) IS 10889 (1) IS 11600 (1) IS 1237 (2) IS 13311 part 1 & 2 (1) IS 13630 (1) IS 13630 (Part 8) (1) IS 15058 (1) IS 15477 (6) IS 15477 : 2019 (1) IS 15489 (2) IS 2185 Part 3 (1) IS 2250 (2) IS 2547-1 (1) IS 2645 (3) IS 3025 (1) IS 3370 (1) IS 3495 (Part 3) (1) IS 383 (1) IS 4082 (1) IS 4101 Part 3 (1) IS 456 (1) IS 4631 (1) IS 4832 (5) IS 4971 (1) IS 516 (1) IS 5816 (1) IS 6041 (1) IS 6494 (2) IS 6925 (1) IS 7193 (1) IS 9103 (2) IS 9197 (1) IS 9862 (1) Is there any standard for waterstop? (1) IS: 4031 (Part 1) - 199 (1) IS: 4031 (Part 4) (1) IS: 456-1964 (1) ISO 10474:2013 (1) ISO 1183-1 (1) ISO 12236 (1) ISO 13007 (3) ISO 14001 (1) ISO 14001:2015(E) (1) ISO 1431-1 (1) ISO 1519:2011 (1) ISO 1522 (1) ISO 18123 (1) ISO 23599 (1) ISO 2811 (1) ISO 3451 (1) ISO 4624 (1) ISO 527 (1) ISO 9001:2015(E) (1) ISO 9227 (1) ISO 9703-1 (1) ISO 9703-2 (1) ISO 9703-3 (1) ISO audit (1) ISO standards (1) ISO/IEC 2602 (1) JC-T 985-2005 for SLC (Self Levelling Compound) (1) JIS K 6253 (1) JISK 6301 (1) joints grout (1) K-Value (1) Kannada - Popular Proverbs (1) KENYA tile adhesive STANDARD (1) KIc of Metallic Materials test (1) KINDLING POINT (1) Know always: What which why where when and how? (1) KP Astrology (2) LAB test (1) Landscaping (1) Lap width (1) Large format stones (1) laser leveling (1) Lead content (2) Lean concrete (1) level surveying (1) levelling of floor (1) Life of shivaji (1) Life story of great leader (1) Linear-Elastic Plane test (1) LIPPAGE (1) Liquid and powder Floor hardener (1) liquid applied (1) Liquid applied waterproofing - FAQ/MCQ (1) list of 108 upanishad (1) List of abbreviations for common polymers (1) List of full form for common polymers (1) litmus (1) Lo Shu Grid Numerology Calculator (1) look (1) Loop in / Loop out membrane (1) Loop Tack test (1) Low viscous epoxy (1) lustre (2) M sand (1) M15 (1) Main & distribution bar (1) Management - Teachings of Bahagavad Gita (1) Management - Teachings of Bahagavad Gita (1) mandrel (1) Materials Finer than 75-μm (1) maximum moisture content (1) Meaning of sand (1) MECHANICAL METHODS (1) MED Modules B and D (1) Membrane crack bridging (1) membrane requirements. (1) membranes (1) Mesh size to micron (1) Metallic chain beat test (1) Minimum moisture content (1) mixed density (1) MMHDPE (1) MODULUS OF ELASTIC (1) MOH'S scale (1) moisture (1) Moisture in floor (1) Moisture test (1) mort (2) MORT&H CI.1761.5 (2) mortar (1) mortar material calculation (1) Mortar to be used to bond the AAC shall have less or more compression strength? (2) most referred standards (1) MPI standards (2) MS word (2) MTO for concrete (1) NCCA II-12 (1) negative coating (1) NF P92 507 (1) NF T30-016 (1) NFPA285 (1) NFT 46-003 (1) No crack concrete (1) Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore (1) non-metallic floor hardenrs (1) non-porosity (1) Non-woven cloth (3) Normal Plastering (1) notch trowel for tile adhesive (1) NSI & MIA (1) Numerology (1) Numerology - Challenge Number (1) Numerology - KUA Number / Angle Number (1) Numerology calculations (1) Numerology Calculator for free (1) Numeroscope (1) occult science (1) Occupational Health / Safety management and System (1) Ohms (1) OHSAS 18001 (1) OHT (1) On site tests (1) On-site test (1) On-site testing of cement (1) open time (3) Ordinary concrete (1) Osmosis (1) Osmosis problem (1) Outlook (1) overhead water tanks (1) Package Drop Tester (1) packaging test (1) paperboard (1) Particle density (1) passing ability (1) paver blocks (1) Peel adhesion test (1) Peel Strength Testing of Adhesive Bonds (1) Peel test (1) Pencil Hardness Test (1) Pendulum Impact Resistance (1) Pendulum test (1) Permeability retention strength (1) Permeance retention strength (1) PH course (1) pH test on concrete (1) pH-test (1) Pharmaceutical clean room classified (1) Phd Course (1) Phrases (1) Phrases and Idioms (1) Pile (1) Pipes in waterproofing (1) Pit sand (1) Plastering material calculation (1) plastics and other resin materials (1) Pneumatic Bursting Tester for membranes (1) POD (1) Poineers (1) Poisson's Ratio (1) Poisson's Ratio of Concrete (1) Polystyrene grout (1) Polyurethane flooring (1) PolyVinylActate (PVAC) (1) Pond test (1) ponding (1) pool balancing (1) porosity (1) POSI TEST PULL-OFF (1) positive coating (1) Pot life test (1) PRAH (1) PRAN (1) Precast (1) predication (1) PreFab (1) President of India (1) Pressure grouting (1) Pressure-Sensitive Tack test of Adhesives (1) Problems in resin flooring and coatings (1) process of chemical injection (1) Process of constructions (1) process of pressure grouting (1) PU (1) PU foam (1) PU Sealant. Problems in sealant (1) Pull-Off (1) pure polyurea (1) PVA (Poly Vinyl Acetate) (1) PVC (1) pyramid (1) quantity calculations (2) R-Value (1) R3 Mortar (1) raised access flooring (1) Raksha Bandhan (1) RCC (2) RCC stairs (1) Ready Mix Plastering (1) Recoat time (1) reinforcement bars (1) Reinforcing cloth (4) Reinforcing felts (1) reinforcing mats / mesh (1) Relative linear shrinkage (1) Repair mortar (1) Residential building (1) Resin flooring problem (1) Resist Chloride Ion Penetration (1) Resistance to root penetration (1) Retaining walls (2) Revit (1) rheology test (3) RILEM method (1) Rio Conference (1) Rio Summit (1) River sand (1) RMC admix (1) Rolling Ball Tack Tester (1) Roofing And Waterproofing Membranes - Walls - Walls And Wall Assemblies - STM D7832 / D7832M - 14 (1) root inhabiting propoerty (1) root resistance (1) Rubber Deterioration (1) Rubbing the grout surface with fingers (1) S 15 C (1) Sag Resistance (1) Salt Spray Test (1) Sand cement screed material calculation (1) sand colour (1) SCABBLED (1) SCARIFICATION (1) scratching the grout surface (1) screed (2) screed admix (1) Screed cement (2) Sealant (1) sealant specification (1) Sealers (1) Sealing tape installation (1) Self leveling compound (1) self smoothing compound (1) self-compacting concrete (1) Set To Touch test (1) set up outlook (1) shear adhesion strength of adhesive (3) Shear Cracks (1) Shear Modulus (1) sheen (2) sheet applied membrane (1) sheet end lapping (1) shininess (2) Shivaji Maharaj (1) Shore hardness (1) SHOT-BLASTING (1) shrinkage (1) Shrinkage Cracks (1) Shrinkage test (1) SI 516 (1) Sieve Inspection (1) signature adding (1) SILANE SILOXANE (1) Silesian University of Technology (1) Silver star (1) Singapore HDB (1) site engineer tips (1) Skydrol (1) slab with cantilever (1) SLC (4) Sliding Cracks (1) Slip resistance of tile adhesive (1) Soaking of tiles (1) SODIUM HYDROXIDE (1) soil back filling (1) soil compaction (1) soil conservation (1) Soil Exploration (1) solid content (2) Solution for resin flooring and coatings (1) SP 62 (1) Specific gravity (1) Specific gravity test (1) Specification manager (1) specifies minimum adhesive bed coverage requirements (1) Spencer Impact Test (1) Split tensile strength (1) Spot bonding of tile / stone (1) Spot fixing (1) SS-S-200D (1) SS-S-200E (1) stacking and storage of construction materials (1) Stages of constructions (1) Stainless Steel (1) Stainless Steel Gauge (1) Standard concrete (1) standards (1) standards for Insulations (1) standards for waterproofing (1) standards in construction (1) Static Modulus of Elasticity (1) Static Puncture Strength of Geotextiles (1) Steel (1) Steel ball bearing hit test (1) steel used in construction (1) STONE INSTALLATION AGAINST GRAVITY (1) Stone & tile installation. IS 15477 pass adhesive (1) stone joint grout (1) stone masonry (1) Stone tile selection (1) Strain Fracture Toughness test (1) Stretch test (1) Structural grout (1) Substructure waterproofing (1) summary of Bhagavad Geetha (1) SURFACE PROBLEMS (1) surface profile depth (1) Surface regularity (2) surface tensile strength (1) Swellable (1) swimming pools (1) Tack Free Times (1) Tackiness of Adhesive test (1) Tactile Walking Surface Indicators (1) tape for expansion joints (1) TCNA (1) Teacher’s day (1) Teachings of Bahagavad Gita (17) Teachings of Bhagavad Geetha (1) technical guide (1) Technical Report 34 (1) Technical specifications (1) Temperature (1) temperature resistant (1) tensile properties of plastics (1) Tensile retention strength (1) TENSILE STRENGTH (3) tensile strength of adhesive (3) Tension Cracks (1) Test method B EN 12379-2 (1) testing of ash content (1) The California bearing ratio test (1) The Vedas (1) the word “Guru” (1) Thermal insulation (1) Thermoplastic Poly Olefin (1) thick bed (1) Thickness test of paper (1) thin bed (1) thumb rule (1) til joints grout (1) TILE INSTALLATION AGAINST GRAVITY (1) Tile / stone installation - using adhesive (2) Tile / stone joint (1) Tile & stone (3) TILE & STONE INSTALLATION (1) Tile adhesive (4) Tile adhesive / mortar requirement as per different standards (1) Tile adhesive as per EN 12004 (1) Tile adhesive test (1) Tile installation on raised access flooring (1) Tile Joint width? (1) tile on stone (1) tile on tile (1) Tiling & grouting (1) Tiling MTO App (1) Tiling on GFRG (1) Tiling on Gypsum (1) Tiling on Gypsum boards (1) Tips (2) TKB (1) Tle / stone adhesives (1) Top construction chemical manufacturing company in India. (1) Torsional Cracks (1) Total Solar Reflectivity (1) Total Suspended Solids (1) Touch Dry Time (1) TPO (1) TR 34 (2) transverse deformation (1) transverse deformation test (1) TSS (1) Tube Anti-Yellowing Test (1) Type I (1) Type of contracts (1) Types of reinforcement (1) Types of Sealant (1) Types of Wall AAC block Bonds (1) Types of Wall Brick Bonds (1) Types of Wall concrete Bonds (1) Types of Wall Stone Bonds (1) types of wind (1) U-Value (1) underground tanks (1) UNI 11044; Rilem - 23 (1) UNI EN ISO18122 (1) UNI EN15148 (1) UNI EN15403 (1) Upanishad (1) US FEDERAL SPECIFICATION (1) USFDA (1) USG full form (1) UV Resistance test (1) V The Volunteer (1) vast (1) vast direction (1) vasu tip (1) Vernier Caliper (1) Very easy rules of KP Astrology (1) Vinyl adhesive (1) VOC content (1) VOC test (1) VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUND (1) volume of solids (1) Volume solids (1) volumetric expansion (1) W{T 1000 (1) WARPAGE (1) water absorption (2) Water Absorption Coefficient test (1) Water absorption test (1) water balancing (1) water based paint (1) water cement ratio (1) water chemistry balance (1) Water Cleanability (1) Water droplet test (1) Water mixed SLC. Floor leveller (1) water permeability test (1) water pond test (3) Water ponding and rectification work (1) water proofing membranes (1) water retaining structures (2) Water retentivity (1) Water stopper (1) water tank (1) Water tanks (2) water vapour diffusion test (1) water vapour transmission test (1) Water-proofing & Damp-Proofing membrane (1) waterbars (1) Waterproofing (1) Waterproofing coating and paint (1) waterproofing membrane (1) Waterproofing MTO App (1) WATERPROOFING ON EXISTING TILES (1) waterproofing treatment (6) waterproofing treatment for expansion joints (1) WATERSTOP (1) Wet areas & kitchens (2) wet density (1) Wet film gauge (1) WET FILM THICKNESS (1) WFT (1) What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Self Healing Concrete (1) What does standard says – How much should be the bond strength? (1) What is Abiotic Concrete (1) What is bio concrete (1) What is BMI (1) what is Challenge Number (1) What is mesh size (1) What is range consideration for BMI (1) What is Self healing concrete (1) What to audit as per ISO? (1) which direction (1) which grade of concrete where to use (1) Which mix concrete where to use (1) Which surface can hold how much load: (1) WHICH TYPE OF SURFACE FOR WHAT (1) Who am I (1) Why TMT bars (1) Why 20mm dolly to be used (1) Why clamps for tile installation? (1) Why do you need Self Healing Concrete (1) why epoxy / PU for clean rooms? (1) Why to maintain tile & stone joints grout? joints movement (1) Wicke-Kallenbac (1) wind force (1) Wonders of the world (1) Wounders of the world (1) WPM 002 (1) WPM 004 (2) WPM 265 (1) WPM 300 (1) X cut. (1) XPS (1) Young’s Modulus (1) zehntner (1) ಜನಪ್ರಿಯ ಗಾದೆಗಳು (1)