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Thursday, April 2, 2020

Pen colour ink

There are five categories of colour ink pens which normally used and are as follows:
(1) Red ink pen. 
(2) Green ink pen. 
(3) Black ink pen. 
(4) Blue ink pen. 
(5) Anyone, not particular.

Let us see all once in brief:

1) Users of Red Ink.

Color Red is holy for some & dangerous to others’.  It is indeed a color of passion, color of romance, red roses, red wine, red hearts ……….. So you must have guessed by now: Yes, red color users are essentially romantic.

As the color itself is bright, so are such people, they want to be bright and always long for fame in the society.  They are the ones who want their presence felt everywhere.  They get their work done by their powers which is a characteristic of its kind.  They enter occupations which are unique and do not follow any familial lineage. True to their color they give their family name a brighter shine.  They are religious, artistic and ‘love to rule’ types.

Life is not always a bed of roses! They do undergo ups and downs in their career.   It would be in the form of, either losing the jobs, or unnecessary disputes or allegations or some kind of legal disputes (litigations).  But they do not lag behind and march on to make a place under the sun.   They have Greek God personality which could lead to fatal attractions.    

Ancestral property is not what their eyes are upon.  If they generously lend their money, they are sure it would never come back or if they vouch for someone they are trapped.  But these people are straight toward and find happiness in a family set up.  They enjoy luxurious houses and lavish cars.  They are born leaders. They face some hurdles in education and child bearing.  Fortunes do smile but smile late for them.  In the old age there is good support from children. They lead better lives than their families and kith & kin.

As quality of romance is attached to them so are these people lovers of good food and of course love to sport good clothes.  They are extremely polished in their behaviour with discreet use of etiquette   and social norms.   But they are warned against impulsive decision making.  There are possibilities of ailments of the bones, stomach operation and problems due to rash driving, accidents etc.  They are even prone to heart disease.  On the family front,   love life with wife is often turbulent.  There could be difference of opinions, an illness or an affair which could lead to divorce.(of course there could also be exceptions).

Legal disputes/partnerships are not always fruitful.  There is some luck associated with traveling abroad or even in your own country.  Fortunes rise at age 26 to 28 and bring along winds of change in life.  These people are rebellious and stubborn but there is there is no looking back at the onset of age 33.  They suddenly dig gold in life.   Of course they live a better life as compared to their parents.   Thorough family men, they earn stupendously and spend even at a faster rate.  Normally 36 to 56 is seen as the golden period of life.  At 42 some health problems occur.  Yes, these people are warned against wine, women and rash driving and last but not the least, borrowing money.   At age 50-60

some health problems resurface.   

Childhood is full of struggle, adulthood is better and old age is  comfortable and peaceful. They leave this mortal world after fulfilling all their responsibilities of life. They succeed away from their birth place in careers related to Consultancy, Import/Export, Arms & Ammunition or politics.

2) The Green ink users:

Green is  not necessarily  the color of  jealousy.   So  if you are the user of green  ink consider  yourself  immensely  lucky.    They are  very fortunate and success comes to them easily and naturally.   They may have to face loss  of  reputation  at age 22 to 24.   They usually  harm themselves  with their   stubbornness  and  impractical   principals   and  hardly   listen   to anybody and have a tall  ego. They see some good changes 3 to 4 times in  their  lives  and  slowly but  steadily  reach the pinnacles  of  success.

They face tensions  from the spouse’s  side.    But if they are expecting  a pot of gold from their parent’s ‘will’, it is next to impossible or they have to strive  very hard for it.  There  is  no support from siblings  and at least one of the siblings remains a constant source of anxiety for them. There are plenty of  hurdles to jump over.  But when it comes to work they are honest  to the  core and work bound.     Initially they  work for others  and then start their own business. They are  better  placed in life than  their siblings.   They enjoy luxurious houses and lavish cars and many other riches  in life. There  are chances getting  a sudden  gift in the  form of  a prime  piece  of  land  or a chance of  purchase of  a prime  property at dirt cheap price.  

Education is good and there is success  in Administrative, Technical and  Social Welfare fields.  They amass  abundant  wealth  and can easily impress people with their ‘gift of gab’.  They are religious with interests  in  the  occult  and  also  know a  bit  of   TANTRA  &  MANTRA. People  trust  them.    They escape unscathed from the wrath of  society even if  they do  some  wrong.  Children would give  them some worries. They begin  to earn at a younger age and see a lot  of  changes by  the time they reach age 25 to 34 and that is when the major transformation takes place  in life which finally leads  to unprecedented success.    They are particularly inclined towards  culture and literature.  Helping others  is more  important   to  them  than  anything   else,   even  at  the  cost  of personal loss.    

They don’t like artificial behavior. Though the  family is blessed with children but there is no happiness from them.  35-42 is the period  when they go  through many ups & downs in life.   Age  43-52 is the best period  in  life.  There  is  no  particular  interest  in  fashionable dressing but  wining and  dining is definitely their forte.   Heart disease, bones, stomach ailments,  skin  are expected.  Marriage  brings  in good changes in life.   52-55  is again faced with ups and downs. Partnership ventures  are  not  for  them.  Overseas  business  or  travel  related  to overseas  is   not  beneficial.      Education,   Banking  and   Administrative sectors are  good  fields  for  a  successful  career.    Normal  gains  from father.   There is good money in work related to Government.

Childhood  and   Adulthood   passes  is   comfortable   but  Old   age  is accompanied by  diseases.  End is sudden.   They will be better off  if they stay close  to their  birthplace.    However, life-span  is  over 70 and they are bereaved by  the death of  their  spouse.   Business  concerning  Real Estate  also  is  beneficial.    They are  advised  to wear Emerald  and Ruby for good luck.

3) Users of Black ink :

Black is  the  color which absorbs every color,  which nullifies the  effects of  evil eyes  and forms a protective  talisman.   So  users of  black  ink like to  show  off.    They  are   Pessimists   suffering   because  of   their   own stubbornness   and   impractical    approach,   though   there   may   be exceptions.      Success comes to them normally  at age 28 years.  They have  investigative   brains   and  do   not  easily   trust  others.    Loners, Writers,  Scientists  and Researchers  often  fall in this  category.  They do not have many friends.    

Success is only after some failure.    Their work is  often looked  at with a suspicion.   They succeed  in technical  ventures and secret missions.   They prefer to stay away from family, friends and relatives  to be able  to  work in solitude.    They do   not expect help  or cooperation  from others.    They suffer  from a  complex  and are often found  to  take  a  long  time   in  making  a  decision.     Success  comes suddenly in life.  They enjoy good wealth and palatial houses with all the luxuries.   They face one or two hurdles in education and  child bearing. Though their  children  bring  them a good name yet they are not on good terms with  them.   

They sometimes  suffer  financial losses  due to their masked  behavior.      Despite   being   in  highly  responsible   position   in society,   they  are  generally   looked   upon  with   suspicion.      However honestly  they work, people  always  have wrong impressions  about them. They are  fond of  good food and  fashionable  clothes.    They may  face accidents, imprisonment, fear of drowning, surgical operations, Stomach and Eye ailments.   During middle  age they become lethargic  and hence are deprived of  success.   Spouse dies much before them.   They prefer solitude  and never disclose  their  plans  and are miser.  Marriage  brings  in a  good  change  in life.   Spouse  also  earns and adds to their  fortunes. Legal matters, partnerships, speculation, commission agency, brokering and technical  work are  beneficial  to  them.  The age  from 18  to  27  is good for education, friendship and work.   Life becomes table before 33. There  are chances of  foreign  travel  at the cost of  others.   They are not very religious and believe more  in ‘karma’ than fate.  

Despite devoting more time  to wrongdoings,  they suddenly  achieve  some success at age 34 to 37.   For them,  the period  between 42 to 56 years of  age is  the golden  period  of   life.    There  are  chances of   being  penalised  by   the Government  for  some   misdeeds.      Sudden   financial  gains   through rewards or elevation  in status are possible.    Life  is  difficult and  often laden with some kind of risk & danger.

Life  for them  is  an adjustment and they are generally  unhappy. They are  solitary   creatures   who  prefer  to  remain   away   from   family  & relatives.     Suspicion  and  nagging  relationships   remain  a  source of tension during age 57 to 67 but old  age is comfortable.   Stagnating at a place is not good for them.  If they are in business, they should look  for some   new  overseas   business,    research   and   industrial    ventures. Partnerships  will  be very good for them.  Disappointments  and failures are  common  in  their  lives.  Happy moments  in  life are  far  and  few. Success comes to them after real hard work. SHANI YANTRA or BLUEYANTRA SAPHIRE or CORAL OR MANGAL will be beneficial.

4) Users of Blue ink:

Blue is  the color of  the ‘AZUR’, a color in the rainbow and also the color of harmony, so those who use blue ink are people who are social in their outlook.  They are  patriotic  souls  always  sincere  to their  duty to their nation.       These   duty   bound  citizen   are   law   abiding,   honest  and conscientious towards their work which benefits them too. ‘BHAGYA’ and ‘KARMA’  play  equal  roles  here.  They do   great service  to the society.

Their capabilities  give  them an important  place  and a great status in society.    They are superstitious,  home & family lovers,  always  ready to help  others.   Between 24-28 years of  age, they are on their  own. They love their family which is reciprocated.   They buy luxurious houses and lavish  cars  with most  of  the riches  at an early  age.  They move ahead with the help of  others and are utterly optimistic.   They don’t have long hours of waiting for the fruits of success.   They are simpletons and often not  very  ambitious  which  is  the  reason  for their  moderate  success. They don’t  like to show off. They are friendly & extroverts.   If they take up journalism, Education, Real Estate dealings, there is good amount of success. After  32 there is  a good change  in life. Up  to 40 there is  full success.  There might be a hurdle in education or childbearing. They are satisfied with their work. The family remains together till the end unless there is some specific reason  for a disturbed life with wife.  They are not very fashion conscious and have normal eating habits. A surgery and/or Blood, Eyes,  Throat,  bones  and  liver problem  are expected. 5-7 year after marriage there is a good change.   Court cases, legal disputes and loans  are not part of  their  life. Success  in partnership  deals  comes to them  only after some initial difficulties. Even the benefits from Ancestral property do  not come without litigation.

They succeed  in life with the help of  others.    Carrying on a legacy or working under  the  directions  of  others will  be more beneficial.    At  50-52, there are some health  problems.    Life  at 55-65 is  very good.   A foreign travel from business point of  view will prove to be fruitful. Gains from father  and the government will  be normal.  They live a life at  par with  their  parents.  They have  satisfactory  sources of  income  and look after  their  family.   A sea voyage will  be extremely  lucky.   Fortunes  rise with age and they are satisfied with their work.

Life  during  childhood  is  o.k., during  youth they work hard and stand on their  feet,  while during  old  age  life is  comfortable.  End comes due to some disease.    Love  thy neighbor  is  their  motto  in life.   They follow social  norms. Life  span is  expected to be over 80 but untimely accidents cannot be ruled out.  Money comes  in various ways. They are extremely  cautious  in  their  spending.    So   as they are parsimonious, their  life  partners  could  be  just  the  opposite,  which  maintains  the balance.       SURYA   YANTRA  and/or    Ruby   is    good,  diamond   and/or

‘SHUKRA YANTRA’ can  also benefit them.


Those who use  whatever  color of  ink that  comes  their  way are happy go  lucky.  They   are over-ambitious ‘jacks of  all trades’ who love great dream projects.   They are dilettante.   They are like a rolling stone that  gathers  no moss. They flit  from one work to another.   They preach one thing  and practice  another. They hardly  fulfill their  promises.    It is very  difficult to  extract  work from such  people.  They  know  how  to mesmerize  people  with  their  talks  and get their  work done. Despite  of not having any major funds with  them, they make a big  show of it there by  making a place for themselves.   They reveal their plans before hand which  leads  to  hurdles  in  their  way.  Such  people  are  influenced  by opinions  of  others  which is  why they stray from their  basic  aim.    They work on what the  others  say.    Therefore  they are  labeled  as fickle minded  unreliable.  They  have  to  put  in  lots  of  efforts  for any  work. They are successful only after a lot of struggle.  They benefit more when working in a team, independent decision making is not their forte.  They make money early  in life and  love  to enjoy at others’  expenses.  They love flattery. Life at 27-33, brings about a change  in life.

Profits  from  work involving leadership/contracts/commission  and brokerage etc. are indicated.

They  can  expect  to  earn  from  art,   literature,  Real  Estate, astrology,  magic  or any other  art.    They are  less  attached to father’s wealth and are very independent in thinking and prefer to lead secluded solitary  lives.    They have normal  relationship  with  their  family and kith & kin and lead  normal  lives.  They face difficulties in education.   Children are  good.   

Their love  for food and attire  is  of  compromising  sort. They may face problems  due to Rash driving, drowning, stomach and heart ailments, respiratory diseases etc.   They may have extra-marital affair which mess  up their  lives.    They enjoy conjugal  bliss  even  while away from the spouse. Such people are often figured as controversial.   Court cases, disputes  and joint  ventures bring  them gains.     After  42 years they earn wealth  and  fame  in the  society.  

Opportunities  of  overseas travel  are indicated.  Though there  are gains  from the government, the life at  age  52  to  56  involves  legal,  familial and  governmental  wrath. They hoard ‘un-accounted’  wealth  which they  are  not able  to enjoy due to cheating  by  people.  They have a better  old  age compared to youth. Such people should be cautious while dealing with those having contrary opinions.  It is  better not to follow them  blindly.  Life  expectancy is  more than 65 years.   They are advised  to wear a pearl  or ‘LASUNIA’,  it  will be beneficial to them.  Life is full of ups and downs.

 Many thanks to: BHAGWATI POCKET BOOKS, from where the details are took for the reference.

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(1) BS EN 13892-2 (1) BS EN 13892-3 (1) BS EN 13892-4 (1) BS EN 13892-4 - BCA (1) BS EN 14235 (1) BS EN 14617-1 (1) BS EN 1504 full (1) BS EN 1504-3 (1) BS EN 1504: Part 3 (1) BS EN 2050 (1) BS EN 5385 Part 1 and Part 2 (1) BS EN 8204-2 (1) BS ISO 2878 (1) BS903 Part A26 (1) Bubble Deck (1) building back filling (1) Building foundation (1) Building parts (1) Bulk Modulus (1) C 920 (1) C-Value (1) C1305M-16 (1) C1621 (1) C20 (1) C230 (1) C881M (1) Calculation of BMI (1) calculation of grout (1) Carbon dioxide permeability (1) CARBONATION (1) CBR test (1) CC floor (1) Cement (1) Cement mortar material calculation (1) cement quantity for concrete as per standards (1) cement quantity for plastering (1) Cement test in site (1) Cementitious grout (2) Chemical resistance and stain resistance test (1) Chemical resistance test (1) chemical resistant (1) chemical resistant grout (1) Chemical resistant mortar (1) Chemical-Resistant Mortars (1) chemicals (1) chequered plates (1) Chinese Magic Square (1) Chloride ion content test (1) chlorination of pool (1) Civil engineering (1) Civil engineering chandra Aoo (1) civil engineering notes (1) civil engineering related softwares (1) Civil engineering software (1) Civil engineers (1) Civil Services Day (1) Clamps (1) class A (1) Class R4 mortar (1) clay tile (1) Cleaners (1) Cleanroom Technology (1) coating (1) coating test (1) Coefficient of thermal expansion (1) Coffieient of Thermal Expansion (1) Coin hit test (1) cold (1) Cold Liquid-Applied Elastomeric Waterproofing Membrane With Integral Wearing Surface (1) cold liquid-applied elastomeric-type membrane (1) Column Shoes and Anchor Bolts (1) Columns (2) Comments in Word (1) Common doubts in Flooring (1) Common doubts in Tiling doubts (1) Common doubts in Waterproofing doubts (1) Comparison between cementitious Vs epoxy tile joint grout (1) comparisons of product of waterproofing (1) Compatibility Check test (1) compression strength Vs time (1) compressive of tile joint grout (1) Compressive strength (2) Compressive strength for year (1) compressive strength of tile adhesive (1) Concrete (3) Concrete admixture (3) Concrete bonding agent (1) Concrete calculation (1) Concrete Compression test (1) Concrete repair standards (1) concrete subjected to fire or higher temperature (1) Conductive flooring (1) CONSISTENCY TEST (1) CONSTRUCTION (1) Construction chemical list (1) construction chemicals (1) construction sealant (1) Construction standards (1) CORROSION (1) Corrosion Cracks (1) cost comparison (1) Cost Ratio (C.R.) (1) Cover blocks (1) coving application (1) CRA (1) CRA MTO App (1) CRA products (1) Crack bridging test (3) Cracking in an Ozone Controlled Environment (1) Cracks treatment (1) CRD-C 621-93 specifications (1) CRM (1) cross cut (1) CRYSTALLINE COATING TECHNOLOGY (1) CSA A23.1 (1) CSP SURFACE (1) CTSD (1) Cube size for compressive strength (1) CURING (1) Cuspule singnificator (1) CYLINDRICAL BEND TEST (1) D 5898 – 96 (1) D1709 and D4272 (1) D635 (1) Dairy flooring (1) Dairy industries (1) Davangere (1) DEGREASER (1) Demotivated - Management (1) Determination of expansion of concrete (1) Determination of shrinkage (1) Determination of wear resistance — Böhme (1) Determination of wear resistance-BCA (1) DFT (2) Dheenoddhara trust for the disabled (1) Di-electric strength of material (1) Dielectric (1) difference (1) Difference between CG & RG grouts (1) different paint finishes (1) different type of curing (1) different types of stress (1) DIGITAL LAND SURVEYING AND MAPPING (1) DIN / ISO 6272-2 (1) DIN 1164 (1) DIN 1168 (1) DIN 18560 (3) DIN 4102-1 (1) DIN 51220 (1) DIN 52617 (1) DIN 53 217 (1) DIN 53157 (1) DIN 53519 (1) DIN ISO 48 (1) direction for sleep (1) dis-advantage of tensile testing (1) dissipative flooring (1) DKS 2129:2008 (1) Dr APJ Abdul Kalam (1) Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar (1) Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan (1) DRR Govt Polytechnic (2) DRR SChool (2) dry film gauge (2) Dry Film Thickness. (1) Dry Hard Time (1) Dry Recoat time (1) Dry To Handle Time (1) Dry-Through Time (1) Dust Free Times (1) E 135 (1) EARTH SUMMIT (1) easy typing (1) EC@ (1) EC1 (1) EC1plus (1) EC2 (1) Effects of Rapid Deformation (Impact) (1) Efflorescence - causes (1) Efflorescence test (1) Elastic Modulus (1) elasticity test (1) Elcometer (1) electric resistivity (1) Elongation retention strength (1) elongation test (1) email client (1) Emicode (1) EMS (1) EN 1015-11 (1) EN 10204:2004 (1) EN 1062 (1) EN 1097-8:2009 (1) EN 12004 (1) EN 12350-12 (1) EN 12350-9 (1) EN 13036-4:2003 (1) EN 1348 (2) EN 13501-1 (1) EN 13813 (3) EN 13888 (1) EN 1436 : 1997 (1) EN 14891 : 2017 (1) EN 1504-2 (1) EN 196 (2) EN 459-2 (1) EN 480-2 (1) EN ISO 2813 (2) EN ISO 7500-1 (1) EN-934 (1) ENGINEERING (1) Environmental Management System (1) EP 305 (1) EPC Contract (1) Epoxy (3) epoxy adhesive for expansion joints (1) Epoxy and polyurethane flooring (1) Epoxy and PU flooring & coatings (1) Epoxy bonding agent (1) Epoxy flooring (2) Epoxy flooring as per IS STandard (1) Epoxy grout (2) epoxy injection grouting (1) Epoxy primer for PU (1) EPOXY PRODUCTS IN RELATION TO FIRE (1) Epoxy-Resin-Base Bonding Systems (1) ESD floor (1) Estimation and costing (1) excel trick (1) Expansion joint (1) Expansion joint treatment. epoxy adhesive (1) Expansion joints (1) external and internal cladding (1) external fire exposure to roofs (1) Falling Dart Impact Tester (1) FC SS (1) Federal standard 209 (1) fiber mesh (1) find compression strength (1) Fine bed (1) FINENESS TEST (1) FIRE POINT (1) Flash point (1) flexibility test (1) Flexible adhesive (1) Flexural and compression strength in one set (1) Flexural Cracks (1) Flexural strength (1) flexural strength of tile joint grout (1) Flood test (1) Floor adhesive (1) Floor flatness (1) floor hardeners (1) Floor maintenance (1) floor metallic floor hardeners (1) Floor slabs (2) Floor treatment (1) Flooring (5) Flooring & coating (1) Flooring MTO App (1) Flow Time Measurement (1) Food grade certification (1) Food grade epoxy flooring (1) Formula for BMI (1) foundations (1) Four-Step Theory for prediction (1) FREEZING – THAWING (1) full strength concrete (1) Furane based mortar (1) Gel Time test (1) Geosynthetic mat (1) Geotextile (3) GEV (1) Gloss (2) gloss meter (2) Gmail (1) gmail to outlook (1) Good sand (1) GPS surveying (1) grade 1 (1) Grades of Rebar (1) great civil engineering structure (1) Green building - USGBC - GRIHA - LEED - IGBC (1) GRINDING (1) groove (1) grout (1) Grouting (1) GUARANTEES (1) guidlines (1) Hanger (1) Hanger flooring (1) HDPE (2) heat (1) HIGH PRESSURE WATER & BLASTING & JETTING (1) High strength concrete (1) High-Solids Content (1) Hindu vedas (1) HMHDPE (1) hollow sound (1) hollow sound in stones (1) hollow sound in tile (1) HOMOGENEOUS and HETEROGENEOUS (1) House significations (1) how to calculate Challenge Number (1) How to find out BMI (1) How to find out coating coverage from solid content and WFT? SI 101 (1) How to make 3D table (1) HR Rated ASTM E119 (1) humidity (1) Hydraulic Cement cube (1) Hydro static pressure resistant coating (1) hydro-static pressure (1) Hydro-static pressure test of membranes (1) Hydrophilic (1) Hydrophobic (1) Hydrostatic pressure test of membranes (1) Hygroscopic (1) IAS (1) Idioms (1) IEC (1) IEC 60243 (1) India Language (1) Indian festival (1) Indian festival - Republic Day (1) Indian leaders (1) Indian Standards (1) Industrial flooring (2) industrial grade tiles (1) Integral waterproofing (1) inter-locking clay tiles (1) International Hardness (1) interview tips (1) Inverted Probe Machine (1) IPS (1) IRC: SP-20 (1) IRHD compact test (1) IS 101 (2) IS 101 : Part 5 : Sec 2 (1) IS 101 : Part 8 : Sec 3 (1) IS 101 P5 S2. (1) IS 10889 (1) IS 11600 (1) IS 1237 (2) IS 13311 part 1 & 2 (1) IS 13630 (1) IS 13630 (Part 8) (1) IS 15058 (1) IS 15477 (6) IS 15477 : 2019 (1) IS 15489 (2) IS 2185 Part 3 (1) IS 2250 (2) IS 2547-1 (1) IS 2645 (3) IS 3025 (1) IS 3370 (1) IS 3495 (Part 3) (1) IS 383 (1) IS 4082 (1) IS 4101 Part 3 (1) IS 456 (1) IS 4631 (1) IS 4832 (5) IS 4971 (1) IS 516 (1) IS 5816 (1) IS 6041 (1) IS 6494 (2) IS 6925 (1) IS 7193 (1) IS 9103 (2) IS 9197 (1) IS 9862 (1) Is there any standard for waterstop? (1) IS: 4031 (Part 1) - 199 (1) IS: 4031 (Part 4) (1) IS: 456-1964 (1) ISO 10474:2013 (1) ISO 1183-1 (1) ISO 12236 (1) ISO 13007 (3) ISO 14001 (1) ISO 14001:2015(E) (1) ISO 1431-1 (1) ISO 1519:2011 (1) ISO 1522 (1) ISO 18123 (1) ISO 23599 (1) ISO 2811 (1) ISO 3451 (1) ISO 4624 (1) ISO 527 (1) ISO 9001:2015(E) (1) ISO 9227 (1) ISO 9703-1 (1) ISO 9703-2 (1) ISO 9703-3 (1) ISO audit (1) ISO standards (1) ISO/IEC 2602 (1) JC-T 985-2005 for SLC (Self Levelling Compound) (1) JIS K 6253 (1) JISK 6301 (1) joints grout (1) K-Value (1) Kannada - Popular Proverbs (1) KENYA tile adhesive STANDARD (1) KIc of Metallic Materials test (1) KINDLING POINT (1) KP Astrology (2) LAB test (1) Landscaping (1) Lap width (1) Large format stones (1) laser leveling (1) Lead content (2) Lean concrete (1) level surveying (1) levelling of floor (1) Life of shivaji (1) Life story of great leader (1) Linear-Elastic Plane test (1) LIPPAGE (1) Liquid and powder Floor hardener (1) liquid applied (1) Liquid applied waterproofing - FAQ/MCQ (1) list of 108 upanishad (1) List of abbreviations for common polymers (1) List of full form for common polymers (1) litmus (1) Lo Shu Grid Numerology Calculator (1) look (1) Loop in / Loop out membrane (1) Loop Tack test (1) Low viscous epoxy (1) lustre (2) M sand (1) M15 (1) Main & distribution bar (1) Management - Teachings of Bahagavad Gita (1) Management - Teachings of Bahagavad Gita (1) mandrel (1) Materials Finer than 75-μm (1) maximum moisture content (1) Meaning of sand (1) MECHANICAL METHODS (1) MED Modules B and D (1) Membrane crack bridging (1) membrane requirements. (1) membranes (1) Mesh size to micron (1) Metallic chain beat test (1) Minimum moisture content (1) mixed density (1) MMHDPE (1) MODULUS OF ELASTIC (1) MOH'S scale (1) moisture (1) Moisture in floor (1) Moisture test (1) mort (2) MORT&H CI.1761.5 (2) mortar (1) mortar material calculation (1) Mortar to be used to bond the AAC shall have less or more compression strength? (2) most referred standards (1) MPI standards (2) MS word (2) MTO for concrete (1) NCCA II-12 (1) negative coating (1) NF P92 507 (1) NF T30-016 (1) NFPA285 (1) NFT 46-003 (1) No crack concrete (1) Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore (1) non-metallic floor hardenrs (1) non-porosity (1) Non-woven cloth (3) Normal Plastering (1) notch trowel for tile adhesive (1) Numerology (1) Numerology - Challenge Number (1) Numerology - KUA Number / Angle Number (1) Numerology calculations (1) Numerology Calculator for free (1) Numeroscope (1) occult science (1) Occupational Health / Safety management and System (1) Ohms (1) OHSAS 18001 (1) OHT (1) On site tests (1) On-site test (1) On-site testing of cement (1) open time (3) Ordinary concrete (1) Osmosis (1) Osmosis problem (1) Outlook (1) overhead water tanks (1) Package Drop Tester (1) packaging test (1) paperboard (1) Particle density (1) passing ability (1) paver blocks (1) Peel adhesion test (1) Peel Strength Testing of Adhesive Bonds (1) Peel test (1) Pencil Hardness Test (1) Pendulum Impact Resistance (1) Pendulum test (1) Permeability retention strength (1) Permeance retention strength (1) PH course (1) pH test on concrete (1) pH-test (1) Pharmaceutical clean room classified (1) Phd Course (1) Phrases (1) Phrases and Idioms (1) Pile (1) Pipes in waterproofing (1) Pit sand (1) Plastering material calculation (1) plastics and other resin materials (1) Pneumatic Bursting Tester for membranes (1) POD (1) Poineers (1) Poisson's Ratio (1) Poisson's Ratio of Concrete (1) Polystyrene grout (1) Polyurethane flooring (1) PolyVinylActate (PVAC) (1) Pond test (1) ponding (1) pool balancing (1) porosity (1) POSI TEST PULL-OFF (1) positive coating (1) Pot life test (1) PRAH (1) PRAN (1) Precast (1) predication (1) PreFab (1) President of India (1) Pressure grouting (1) Pressure-Sensitive Tack test of Adhesives (1) Problems in resin flooring and coatings (1) process of chemical injection (1) Process of constructions (1) process of pressure grouting (1) PU (1) PU foam (1) PU Sealant. Problems in sealant (1) Pull-Off (1) pure polyurea (1) PVA (Poly Vinyl Acetate) (1) PVC (1) pyramid (1) quantity calculations (2) R-Value (1) R3 Mortar (1) raised access flooring (1) Raksha Bandhan (1) RCC (2) RCC stairs (1) Ready Mix Plastering (1) Recoat time (1) reinforcement bars (1) Reinforcing cloth (4) Reinforcing felts (1) reinforcing mats / mesh (1) Relative linear shrinkage (1) Repair mortar (1) Residential building (1) Resin flooring problem (1) Resist Chloride Ion Penetration (1) Resistance to root penetration (1) Retaining walls (2) Revit (1) rheology test (3) RILEM method (1) Rio Conference (1) Rio Summit (1) River sand (1) RMC admix (1) Rolling Ball Tack Tester (1) Roofing And Waterproofing Membranes - Walls - Walls And Wall Assemblies - STM D7832 / D7832M - 14 (1) root inhabiting propoerty (1) root resistance (1) Rubber Deterioration (1) Rubbing the grout surface with fingers (1) S 15 C (1) Sag Resistance (1) Salt Spray Test (1) Sand cement screed material calculation (1) sand colour (1) SCABBLED (1) SCARIFICATION (1) scratching the grout surface (1) screed (2) screed admix (1) Screed cement (2) Sealant (1) sealant specification (1) Sealant with concave / convex OR flush sealant finish (1) Sealers (1) Sealing tape installation (1) Self leveling compound (1) self smoothing compound (1) self-compacting concrete (1) Set To Touch test (1) set up outlook (1) shear adhesion strength of adhesive (3) Shear Cracks (1) Shear Modulus (1) sheen (2) sheet applied membrane (1) sheet end lapping (1) shininess (2) Shivaji Maharaj (1) Shore hardness (1) SHOT-BLASTING (1) shrinkage (1) Shrinkage Cracks (1) Shrinkage test (1) SI 516 (1) Sieve Inspection (1) signature adding (1) SILANE SILOXANE (1) Silesian University of Technology (1) Silver star (1) Singapore HDB (1) site engineer tips (1) Skydrol (1) slab with cantilever (1) SLC (4) Sliding Cracks (1) Slip resistance of tile adhesive (1) Soaking of tiles (1) SODIUM HYDROXIDE (1) soil back filling (1) soil compaction (1) soil conservation (1) Soil Exploration (1) solid content (2) Solution for resin flooring and coatings (1) SP 62 (1) Specific gravity (1) Specific gravity test (1) Specification manager (1) specifies minimum adhesive bed coverage requirements (1) Spencer Impact Test (1) Split tensile strength (1) Spot bonding of tile / stone (1) Spot fixing (1) SS-S-200D (1) SS-S-200E (1) stacking and storage of construction materials (1) Stages of constructions (1) Stainless Steel (1) Stainless Steel Gauge (1) Standard concrete (1) standards (1) standards for Insulations (1) standards for waterproofing (1) standards in construction (1) Static Modulus of Elasticity (1) Static Puncture Strength of Geotextiles (1) Steel (1) Steel ball bearing hit test (1) steel used in construction (1) STONE INSTALLATION AGAINST GRAVITY (1) Stone & tile installation. IS 15477 pass adhesive (1) stone joint grout (1) stone masonry (1) Stone tile selection (1) Strain Fracture Toughness test (1) Stretch test (1) Structural grout (1) Substructure waterproofing (1) summary of Bhagavad Geetha (1) SURFACE PROBLEMS (1) surface profile depth (1) Surface regularity (2) surface tensile strength (1) Swellable (1) swimming pools (1) Tack Free Times (1) Tackiness of Adhesive test (1) Tactile Walking Surface Indicators (1) tape for expansion joints (1) TCNA (1) Teacher’s day (1) Teachings of Bahagavad Gita (17) Teachings of Bhagavad Geetha (1) technical guide (1) Technical Report 34 (1) Temperature (1) temperature resistant (1) tensile properties of plastics (1) Tensile retention strength (1) TENSILE STRENGTH (3) tensile strength of adhesive (3) Tension Cracks (1) Test method B EN 12379-2 (1) testing of ash content (1) The California bearing ratio test (1) The Vedas (1) the word “Guru” (1) Thermal insulation (1) Thermoplastic Poly Olefin (1) thick bed (1) Thickness test of paper (1) thin bed (1) thumb rule (1) til joints grout (1) TILE INSTALLATION AGAINST GRAVITY (1) Tile / stone installation - using adhesive (2) Tile / stone joint (1) Tile & stone (3) TILE & STONE INSTALLATION (1) Tile adhesive (5) Tile adhesive / mortar requirement as per different standards (1) Tile adhesive as per EN 12004 (1) Tile adhesive test (1) Tile installation on raised access flooring (1) Tile Joint width? (1) tile on stone (1) tile on tile (1) Tiling & grouting (1) Tiling MTO App (1) Tiling on GFRG (1) Tiling on Gypsum (1) Tiling on Gypsum boards (1) Tips (2) TKB (1) Tle / stone adhesives (1) Top construction chemical manufacturing company in India. (1) Torsional Cracks (1) Total Solar Reflectivity (1) Total Suspended Solids (1) Touch Dry Time (1) TPO (1) TR 34 (2) transverse deformation (1) transverse deformation test (1) TSS (1) Tube Anti-Yellowing Test (1) Type I (1) Type of contracts (1) Types of reinforcement (1) Types of Sealant (1) Types of Wall AAC block Bonds (1) Types of Wall Brick Bonds (1) Types of Wall concrete Bonds (1) Types of Wall Stone Bonds (1) types of wind (1) U-Value (1) underground tanks (1) UNI 11044; Rilem - 23 (1) UNI EN ISO18122 (1) UNI EN15148 (1) UNI EN15403 (1) Upanishad (1) US FEDERAL SPECIFICATION (1) USFDA (1) USG full form (1) UV Resistance test (1) V The Volunteer (1) vast (1) vast direction (1) vasu tip (1) Vernier Caliper (1) Very easy rules of KP Astrology (1) Vinyl adhesive (1) VOC content (1) VOC test (1) VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUND (1) volume of solids (1) Volume solids (1) volumetric expansion (1) W{T 1000 (1) WARPAGE (1) water absorption (2) Water Absorption Coefficient test (1) Water absorption test (1) water balancing (1) water based paint (1) water cement ratio (1) water chemistry balance (1) Water droplet test (1) Water mixed SLC. Floor leveller (1) water permeability test (1) water pond test (3) Water ponding and rectification work (1) water proofing membranes (1) water retaining structures (2) Water retentivity (1) Water stopper (1) water tank (1) Water tanks (2) water vapour diffusion test (1) water vapour transmission test (1) Water-proofing & Damp-Proofing membrane (1) waterbars (1) Waterproofing (1) Waterproofing coating and paint (1) waterproofing membrane (1) Waterproofing MTO App (1) WATERPROOFING ON EXISTING TILES (1) waterproofing treatment (6) waterproofing treatment for expansion joints (1) WATERSTOP (1) Wet areas & kitchens (2) Wet cladding & dry cladding (1) wet density (1) Wet film gauge (1) WET FILM THICKNESS (1) WFT (1) What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Self Healing Concrete (1) What does standard says – How much should be the bond strength? (1) What is Abiotic Concrete (1) What is bio concrete (1) What is BMI (1) what is Challenge Number (1) What is mesh size (1) What is range consideration for BMI (1) What is Self healing concrete (1) What to audit as per ISO? (1) which direction (1) which grade of concrete where to use (1) Which mix concrete where to use (1) Which surface can hold how much load: (1) WHICH TYPE OF SURFACE FOR WHAT (1) Who am I (1) Why TMT bars (1) Why 20mm dolly to be used (1) Why do you need Self Healing Concrete (1) why epoxy / PU for clean rooms? (1) Why to maintain tile & stone joints grout? joints movement (1) Wicke-Kallenbac (1) wind force (1) Wonders of the world (1) Wounders of the world (1) WPM 002 (1) WPM 004 (2) WPM 265 (1) WPM 300 (1) X cut. (1) XPS (1) Young’s Modulus (1) zehntner (1) ಜನಪ್ರಿಯ ಗಾದೆಗಳು (1)