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Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Subsoil drainage pipes


Subsoil drainage pipes are a type of drainage system used to remove excess water from the soil, preventing waterlogging and ensuring proper drainage. These pipes are typically installed below the ground surface to collect and redirect water away from the area.

 Made up of:

The materials used for subsoil drainage pipes can vary, but common options include:

  1. Perforated PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride): PVC pipes are a popular choice due to their durability, corrosion resistance, and affordability. The perforations allow water to enter the pipe, and the pipe then conveys the water away from the area.
  2. Corrugated HDPE (High-Density Polyethylene): HDPE pipes are lightweight, flexible, and resistant to corrosion. Corrugated HDPE pipes have a ribbed exterior that provides additional strength and allows for flexibility in installation.
  3. Concrete: Concrete pipes are sturdy and durable. They are often used for larger drainage systems. The concrete can be either plain or reinforced, and the pipes may have perforations for water entry.
  4. Clay: Clay pipes have been historically used for drainage, but they are less common today due to the availability of more modern and efficient materials. Clay pipes are resistant to corrosion but can be more brittle than other materials.
  5. Metal (Galvanized Steel or Aluminum): Metal pipes are strong and durable but may be prone to corrosion over time. Galvanized steel pipes are coated with zinc to protect against rusting.


Availability in the market: Subsoil drainage pipes are commonly available in various diameters and lengths to suit different drainage needs. They can be found in construction and plumbing supply stores, as well as through specialized drainage system suppliers. When choosing a subsoil drainage pipe, factors such as the soil type, water flow rates, and the specific requirements of the drainage project should be considered to select the most suitable material and size for the application. It's essential to adhere to local building codes and regulations when installing subsoil drainage systems.


Application areas: Subsoil drainage pipes find applications in various areas where effective drainage is essential to manage waterlogged or saturated soil conditions. Some common application areas include:

  1. Agriculture:
    • Field Drainage: Subsoil drainage pipes are used in agricultural fields to prevent waterlogging and enhance soil aeration. This improves crop growth and prevents damage to plant roots due to excess water.
  2. Civil Engineering and Construction:
    • Building Foundations: Proper drainage around building foundations is crucial to prevent water accumulation, which can lead to structural damage. Subsoil drainage pipes help in redirecting water away from foundations.
    • Roads and Highways: Subsoil drainage systems are employed beneath roads and highways to control water runoff, prevent erosion, and maintain the stability of the roadbed.
  3. Landscaping:
    • Gardens and Lawns: Subsoil drainage is essential in landscaping projects to maintain healthy plants by preventing waterlogging. It also helps in controlling erosion in sloped areas.
  4. Sports Fields:
    • Sports Turf Drainage: Subsoil drainage systems are often installed in sports fields, including soccer fields, golf courses, and baseball fields, to ensure optimal playing conditions and prevent water accumulation.
  5. Residential Areas:
    • Yard Drainage: Homeowners may use subsoil drainage pipes to address issues of poor drainage in their yards, preventing water from collecting around the house and causing problems such as basement flooding.
  6. Golf Courses:
    • Golf Course Drainage: Golf courses use subsoil drainage systems to manage water levels, especially in low-lying areas or places prone to water accumulation.
  7. Urban Infrastructure:
    • Urban Drainage Systems: In urban planning, subsoil drainage pipes play a role in municipal drainage systems, preventing waterlogging and flooding in streets and public spaces.
  8. Recreational Areas:
    • Parks and Playgrounds: Subsoil drainage helps maintain safe and playable conditions in parks and playgrounds by preventing water accumulation and ensuring proper soil drainage.
  9. Mining Operations:
    • Mine Drainage: In mining operations, subsoil drainage systems are used to control groundwater levels and prevent water from interfering with mining activities.
  10. Wastewater Management:
    • Wastewater Drainage: Subsoil drainage can be part of a larger wastewater management system, helping to control the movement of water within treatment facilities.

The application of subsoil drainage pipes depends on the specific needs of the area, the type of soil, and the intended purpose of drainage. Proper design and installation are crucial to ensuring the effectiveness of subsoil drainage systems in managing water and preventing associated issues.


Aternative methods: There are alternative methods and materials for managing water drainage in addition to traditional subsoil drainage pipes. The choice of alternative depends on the specific requirements of the project, the local conditions, and environmental considerations. Here are some alternatives to subsoil drainage pipes:

  1. French Drains:
    • French drains are trenches filled with gravel or rock that allow water to percolate into the ground. They can be a cost-effective alternative to subsoil drainage pipes and are often used in residential settings.
  2. Permeable Pavers:
    • Permeable or porous pavers are designed to allow water to pass through the surface and into the ground. They are commonly used in driveways, walkways, and parking areas to reduce surface runoff.
  3. Bio-Retention Basins:
    • Bio-retention basins, also known as rain gardens, use vegetation and soil to absorb and treat stormwater runoff. These natural systems can be effective in managing water while providing environmental benefits.
  4. Dry Wells:
    • Dry wells are underground structures that collect and store stormwater, allowing it to gradually infiltrate into the surrounding soil. They are useful in managing excess water from roofs and paved surfaces.
  5. Swales:
    • Swales are shallow, vegetated channels designed to convey and manage stormwater runoff. They can be effective in slowing down and filtering water before it enters the soil.
  6. Soil Amendments:
    • Improving soil structure through the addition of organic matter can enhance natural drainage. This method is particularly useful in areas with compacted or clayey soils.
  7. Grassed Waterways:
    • In agricultural settings, grassed waterways are used to prevent soil erosion and manage water flow. They consist of shaped channels planted with grass to slow down and control water movement.
  8. Rock or Gravel Trenches:
    • Similar to French drains, trenches filled with rock or gravel can be used to direct and manage water flow. This approach is straightforward and can be implemented in various settings.
  9. Sustainable Landscaping Techniques:
    • Designing landscapes with features such as rain gardens, swales, and permeable surfaces can collectively contribute to effective water management without relying solely on underground pipes.
  10. Green Roofs:
    • Green roofs incorporate vegetation into building structures, providing natural insulation and absorbing rainwater. They can reduce the volume of runoff and contribute to sustainable drainage.

It's important to note that the suitability of alternatives depends on factors such as site conditions, the volume of water to be managed, and local regulations. In many cases, a combination of these techniques may be employed to create a comprehensive and environmentally friendly drainage solution. Consulting with a professional engineer or landscape architect can help determine the most appropriate alternative for a specific project.


What are the advantages of subsoil drainage pipes?

Subsoil drainage pipes offer several advantages in various applications due to their ability to manage water and prevent issues associated with waterlogging. Here are some of the key advantages of subsoil drainage pipes:

  1. Prevention of Waterlogging:
    • The primary purpose of subsoil drainage pipes is to prevent waterlogging by efficiently removing excess water from the soil. This helps maintain optimal soil moisture levels for plant growth and prevents damage to structures and foundations.
  2. Improved Soil Aeration:
    • Proper drainage enhances soil aeration by preventing the saturation of the soil with water. Well-aerated soil promotes healthy root development and improves overall plant growth.
  3. Prevention of Structural Damage:
    • Subsoil drainage pipes help protect structures, such as buildings and roads, by preventing water accumulation around foundations. This reduces the risk of structural damage caused by water-induced erosion, swelling, or settlement.
  4. Enhanced Crop Yield in Agriculture:
    • In agricultural settings, subsoil drainage pipes contribute to increased crop yield by creating favorable conditions for plant growth. They prevent waterlogging, root suffocation, and nutrient leaching, promoting healthier crops.
  5. Control of Surface Runoff:
    • Subsoil drainage pipes help manage surface runoff by directing water away from critical areas. This can prevent erosion, soil loss, and surface water pooling, particularly in sloped terrains.
  6. Mitigation of Water-Related Issues:
    • By controlling water movement in urban and suburban areas, subsoil drainage pipes help mitigate issues such as basement flooding, soil erosion, and the formation of waterlogged areas.
  7. Flexibility in Design:
    • Subsoil drainage systems can be designed to suit specific project requirements. This includes the choice of pipe materials, pipe diameter, and layout, allowing for flexibility in adapting to different soil and terrain conditions.
  8. Longevity and Durability:
    • Depending on the material used (such as PVC or HDPE), subsoil drainage pipes can be durable and resistant to corrosion. This longevity ensures a prolonged service life, reducing the need for frequent replacements or maintenance.
  9. Versatility in Applications:
    • Subsoil drainage pipes find applications in various settings, including agriculture, construction, landscaping, and urban infrastructure. Their versatility makes them suitable for addressing different drainage needs.
  10. Prevention of Waterborne Diseases:
    • Proper drainage helps reduce standing water, which can serve as breeding grounds for mosquitoes and other disease vectors. Subsoil drainage contributes to a healthier environment by minimizing the risk of waterborne diseases.

It's important to note that the effectiveness of subsoil drainage pipes depends on proper design, installation, and maintenance. Regular inspections and cleaning can ensure the continued functionality of the drainage system, providing long-term benefits. 

What are the disadvantages of subsoil drainage pipes?

While subsoil drainage pipes offer numerous advantages, there are also some potential disadvantages and challenges associated with their use. These drawbacks can vary depending on factors such as the specific site conditions, the quality of installation, and the type of material used. Here are some common disadvantages of subsoil drainage pipes:

  1. Cost:
    • The installation of subsoil drainage systems, including pipes, can incur significant upfront costs. Materials, labor, and equipment expenses may contribute to a higher overall project cost.
  2. Maintenance Requirements:
    • Subsoil drainage pipes may require periodic maintenance to ensure continued effectiveness. Over time, pipes can become clogged with sediment, debris, or roots, reducing their drainage capacity. Regular inspections and cleaning may be necessary.
  3. Sediment Accumulation:
    • Sediment and soil particles can accumulate in subsoil drainage pipes, leading to reduced flow capacity. This sedimentation can compromise the efficiency of the drainage system and necessitate maintenance activities.
  4. Potential for Clogging:
    • Subsoil drainage pipes are susceptible to clogging from roots, soil, or other debris. This can impede water flow, reducing the overall effectiveness of the drainage system and requiring intervention to address blockages.
  5. Environmental Impact:
    • The production and disposal of certain pipe materials, such as PVC or other plastics, can have environmental implications. Additionally, the excavation and disturbance associated with installing drainage systems may impact the natural ecosystem of the area.
  6. Limited Effectiveness in Certain Soil Types:
    • In some soil types, especially those with high clay content, subsoil drainage systems may have limitations in terms of their effectiveness. Clay soils can compact and hinder water movement despite the presence of drainage pipes.
  7. Installation Challenges:
    • The installation of subsoil drainage pipes may be challenging in certain terrains or urban environments with existing infrastructure. Excavation and installation difficulties can increase project complexity.
  8. Localized Issues:
    • In some cases, subsoil drainage systems may not fully address localized drainage issues, especially if the system is not designed or installed properly for the specific site conditions.
  9. Risk of Contamination:
    • If subsoil drainage pipes are not appropriately sealed or if there are leaks, there is a potential risk of contaminants entering the drainage system. This could have environmental and health implications.
  10. Inadequate Design:
    • Poorly designed subsoil drainage systems may not effectively capture and redirect water. Design errors can result in uneven drainage, with some areas remaining prone to waterlogging.

Despite these potential disadvantages, subsoil drainage systems are widely used and can be highly effective when designed, installed, and maintained properly. Careful consideration of site conditions, appropriate material selection, and adherence to best practices in installation and maintenance can help mitigate many of these challenges.

Standards can be referred:

As per my knowledge, the specific standards for subsoil drainage pipes may vary depending on the country or region. Standards are often established by national or international organizations to ensure the quality, performance, and safety of construction materials, including drainage pipes. It's essential to refer to the standards applicable to your specific location. However, here are some general references that might be relevant:

  1. ASTM Standards (American Society for Testing and Materials):
    • ASTM has standards for various types of pipes used in drainage applications. For example, ASTM D2729 covers polyvinyl chloride (PVC) sewer pipe and fittings, which may include pipes used in subsoil drainage systems.
  2. ISO Standards (International Organization for Standardization):
    • ISO provides international standards for a wide range of materials and products, including pipes. ISO 7396-1:2016 deals with the design and installation of medical gas pipeline systems, but ISO standards related to drainage systems may also be relevant.
  3. BS Standards (British Standards):
    • The British Standards Institution (BSI) may have standards related to drainage pipes. For example, BS EN 476: Drain and sewer systems outside buildings - Test methods for watertightness might be applicable.
  4. IS Standards (Bureau of Indian Standards):
    • In India, the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) sets standards for various products, including drainage pipes. IS 13592:1992 may be relevant for rigid PVC pipe for subsoil drainage.

To get the most accurate and up-to-date information on standards for subsoil drainage pipes, I recommend checking with the relevant national or regional standards organization in your area. Local building codes and regulations may also reference specific standards for the use of drainage pipes in construction projects.

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SI 101 (1) How to make 3D table (1) HR Rated ASTM E119 (1) humidity (1) Hydraulic Cement cube (1) Hydro static pressure resistant coating (1) hydro-static pressure (1) Hydro-static pressure test of membranes (1) Hydrophilic (1) Hydrophobic (1) Hydrostatic pressure test of membranes (1) Hygroscopic (1) IAS (1) Idioms (1) IEC (1) IEC 60243 (1) India Language (1) Indian festival - Republic Day (1) Indian leaders (1) Indian Standards (1) Industrial flooring (2) industrial grade tiles (1) Integral waterproofing (1) inter-locking clay tiles (1) International Hardness (1) interview tips (1) Inverted Probe Machine (1) IPS (1) IRC: SP-20 (1) IRHD compact test (1) IS 101 (2) IS 101 : Part 5 : Sec 2 (1) IS 101 : Part 8 : Sec 3 (1) IS 101 P5 S2. (1) IS 10889 (1) IS 11600 (1) IS 1237 (2) IS 13311 part 1 & 2 (1) IS 13630 (1) IS 13630 (Part 8) (1) IS 15058 (1) IS 15477 (6) IS 15477 : 2019 (1) IS 15489 (2) IS 2185 Part 3 (1) IS 2250 (2) IS 2547-1 (1) IS 2645 (3) IS 3025 (1) IS 3370 (1) IS 3495 (Part 3) (1) IS 383 (1) IS 4082 (1) IS 4101 Part 3 (1) IS 456 (1) IS 4631 (1) IS 4832 (5) IS 4971 (1) IS 516 (1) IS 5816 (1) IS 6041 (1) IS 6494 (2) IS 6925 (1) IS 7193 (1) IS 9103 (2) IS 9197 (1) IS 9862 (1) Is there any standard for waterstop? (1) IS: 4031 (Part 1) - 199 (1) IS: 4031 (Part 4) (1) IS: 456-1964 (1) ISO 10474:2013 (1) ISO 1183-1 (1) ISO 12236 (1) ISO 13007 (3) ISO 14001 (1) ISO 14001:2015(E) (1) ISO 1431-1 (1) ISO 1519:2011 (1) ISO 1522 (1) ISO 18123 (1) ISO 23599 (1) ISO 2811 (1) ISO 3451 (1) ISO 4624 (1) ISO 527 (1) ISO 9001:2015(E) (1) ISO 9227 (1) ISO 9703-1 (1) ISO 9703-2 (1) ISO 9703-3 (1) ISO audit (1) ISO standards (1) ISO/IEC 2602 (1) JC-T 985-2005 for SLC (Self Levelling Compound) (1) JIS K 6253 (1) JISK 6301 (1) joints grout (1) K-Value (1) Kannada - Popular Proverbs (1) KENYA tile adhesive STANDARD (1) KIc of Metallic Materials test (1) KINDLING POINT (1) KP Astrology (2) LAB test (1) Landscaping (1) Lap width (1) Large format stones (1) laser leveling (1) Lead content (2) Lean concrete (1) level surveying (1) levelling of floor (1) Life of shivaji (1) Life story of great leader (1) Linear-Elastic Plane test (1) LIPPAGE (1) Liquid and powder Floor hardener (1) liquid applied (1) Liquid applied waterproofing - FAQ/MCQ (1) list of 108 upanishad (1) List of abbreviations for common polymers (1) List of full form for common polymers (1) litmus (1) Lo Shu Grid Numerology Calculator (1) look (1) Loop in / Loop out membrane (1) Loop Tack test (1) Low viscous epoxy (1) lustre (2) M sand (1) M15 (1) Main & distribution bar (1) Management - Teachings of Bahagavad Gita (1) Management - Teachings of Bahagavad Gita (1) mandrel (1) Materials Finer than 75-μm (1) maximum moisture content (1) Meaning of sand (1) MECHANICAL METHODS (1) MED Modules B and D (1) Membrane crack bridging (1) membrane requirements. (1) membranes (1) Mesh size to micron (1) Metallic chain beat test (1) Minimum moisture content (1) mixed density (1) MMHDPE (1) MODULUS OF ELASTIC (1) MOH'S scale (1) moisture (1) Moisture in floor (1) Moisture test (1) mort (2) MORT&H CI.1761.5 (2) mortar (1) mortar material calculation (1) Mortar to be used to bond the AAC shall have less or more compression strength? (2) most referred standards (1) MPI standards (2) MS word (2) MTO for concrete (1) NCCA II-12 (1) negative coating (1) NF P92 507 (1) NF T30-016 (1) NFPA285 (1) NFT 46-003 (1) No crack concrete (1) Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore (1) non-metallic floor hardenrs (1) non-porosity (1) Non-woven cloth (3) Normal Plastering (1) notch trowel for tile adhesive (1) Numerology (1) Numerology - Challenge Number (1) Numerology - KUA Number / Angle Number (1) Numerology calculations (1) Numerology Calculator for free (1) Numeroscope (1) occult science (1) Occupational Health / Safety management and System (1) Ohms (1) OHSAS 18001 (1) OHT (1) On site tests (1) On-site test (1) On-site testing of cement (1) open time (3) Ordinary concrete (1) Osmosis (1) Osmosis problem (1) Outlook (1) overhead water tanks (1) Package Drop Tester (1) packaging test (1) paperboard (1) Particle density (1) passing ability (1) paver blocks (1) Peel adhesion test (1) Peel Strength Testing of Adhesive Bonds (1) Peel test (1) Pencil Hardness Test (1) Pendulum Impact Resistance (1) Pendulum test (1) Permeability retention strength (1) Permeance retention strength (1) PH course (1) pH test on concrete (1) pH-test (1) Pharmaceutical clean room classified (1) Phd Course (1) Phrases (1) Phrases and Idioms (1) Pile (1) Pipes in waterproofing (1) Pit sand (1) Plastering material calculation (1) plastics and other resin materials (1) Pneumatic Bursting Tester for membranes (1) POD (1) Poineers (1) Poisson's Ratio (1) Poisson's Ratio of Concrete (1) Polystyrene grout (1) Polyurethane flooring (1) PolyVinylActate (PVAC) (1) Pond test (1) ponding (1) pool balancing (1) porosity (1) POSI TEST PULL-OFF (1) positive coating (1) Pot life test (1) PRAH (1) PRAN (1) Precast (1) predication (1) PreFab (1) President of India (1) Pressure grouting (1) Pressure-Sensitive Tack test of Adhesives (1) Problems in resin flooring and coatings (1) process of chemical injection (1) Process of constructions (1) process of pressure grouting (1) PU (1) PU foam (1) PU Sealant. Problems in sealant (1) Pull-Off (1) pure polyurea (1) PVA (Poly Vinyl Acetate) (1) PVC (1) pyramid (1) quantity calculations (2) R-Value (1) R3 Mortar (1) raised access flooring (1) RCC (2) RCC stairs (1) Ready Mix Plastering (1) Recoat time (1) reinforcement bars (1) Reinforcing cloth (4) Reinforcing felts (1) reinforcing mats / mesh (1) Relative linear shrinkage (1) Repair mortar (1) Residential building (1) Resin flooring problem (1) Resist Chloride Ion Penetration (1) Resistance to root penetration (1) Retaining walls (2) Revit (1) rheology test (3) RILEM method (1) Rio Conference (1) Rio Summit (1) River sand (1) RMC admix (1) Rolling Ball Tack Tester (1) Roofing And Waterproofing Membranes - Walls - Walls And Wall Assemblies - STM D7832 / D7832M - 14 (1) root inhabiting propoerty (1) root resistance (1) Rubber Deterioration (1) Rubbing the grout surface with fingers (1) S 15 C (1) Sag Resistance (1) Salt Spray Test (1) Sand cement screed material calculation (1) sand colour (1) SCABBLED (1) SCARIFICATION (1) scratching the grout surface (1) screed (2) screed admix (1) Screed cement (2) Sealant (1) sealant specification (1) Sealant with concave / convex OR flush sealant finish (1) Sealers (1) Sealing tape installation (1) Self leveling compound (1) self smoothing compound (1) self-compacting concrete (1) Set To Touch test (1) set up outlook (1) shear adhesion strength of adhesive (3) Shear Cracks (1) Shear Modulus (1) sheen (2) sheet applied membrane (1) sheet end lapping (1) shininess (2) Shivaji Maharaj (1) Shore hardness (1) SHOT-BLASTING (1) shrinkage (1) Shrinkage Cracks (1) Shrinkage test (1) SI 516 (1) Sieve Inspection (1) signature adding (1) SILANE SILOXANE (1) Silesian University of Technology (1) Silver star (1) Singapore HDB (1) site engineer tips (1) Skydrol (1) slab with cantilever (1) SLC (4) Sliding Cracks (1) Slip resistance of tile adhesive (1) Soaking of tiles (1) SODIUM HYDROXIDE (1) soil back filling (1) soil compaction (1) soil conservation (1) Soil Exploration (1) solid content (2) Solution for resin flooring and coatings (1) SP 62 (1) Specific gravity (1) Specific gravity test (1) Specification manager (1) specifies minimum adhesive bed coverage requirements (1) Spencer Impact Test (1) Split tensile strength (1) Spot bonding of tile / stone (1) Spot fixing (1) SS-S-200D (1) SS-S-200E (1) stacking and storage of construction materials (1) Stages of constructions (1) Stainless Steel (1) Stainless Steel Gauge (1) Standard concrete (1) standards (1) standards for Insulations (1) standards for waterproofing (1) standards in construction (1) Static Modulus of Elasticity (1) Static Puncture Strength of Geotextiles (1) Steel (1) Steel ball bearing hit test (1) steel used in construction (1) STONE INSTALLATION AGAINST GRAVITY (1) Stone & tile installation. IS 15477 pass adhesive (1) stone joint grout (1) stone masonry (1) Stone tile selection (1) Strain Fracture Toughness test (1) Stretch test (1) Structural grout (1) Substructure waterproofing (1) summary of Bhagavad Geetha (1) SURFACE PROBLEMS (1) surface profile depth (1) Surface regularity (2) surface tensile strength (1) Swellable (1) swimming pools (1) Tack Free Times (1) Tackiness of Adhesive test (1) Tactile Walking Surface Indicators (1) tape for expansion joints (1) TCNA (1) Teacher’s day (1) Teachings of Bahagavad Gita (17) Teachings of Bhagavad Geetha (1) technical guide (1) Technical Report 34 (1) Temperature (1) temperature resistant (1) tensile properties of plastics (1) Tensile retention strength (1) TENSILE STRENGTH (3) tensile strength of adhesive (3) Tension Cracks (1) Test method B EN 12379-2 (1) testing of ash content (1) The California bearing ratio test (1) The Vedas (1) the word “Guru” (1) Thermal insulation (1) Thermoplastic Poly Olefin (1) thick bed (1) Thickness test of paper (1) thin bed (1) thumb rule (1) til joints grout (1) TILE INSTALLATION AGAINST GRAVITY (1) Tile / stone installation - using adhesive (2) Tile / stone joint (1) Tile & stone (3) TILE & STONE INSTALLATION (1) Tile adhesive (5) Tile adhesive / mortar requirement as per different standards (1) Tile adhesive as per EN 12004 (1) Tile adhesive test (1) Tile installation on raised access flooring (1) Tile Joint width? (1) tile on stone (1) tile on tile (1) Tiling & grouting (1) Tiling MTO App (1) Tiling on GFRG (1) Tiling on Gypsum (1) Tiling on Gypsum boards (1) Tips (2) TKB (1) Tle / stone adhesives (1) Top construction chemical manufacturing company in India. (1) Torsional Cracks (1) Total Solar Reflectivity (1) Total Suspended Solids (1) Touch Dry Time (1) TPO (1) TR 34 (2) transverse deformation (1) transverse deformation test (1) TSS (1) Tube Anti-Yellowing Test (1) Type I (1) Type of contracts (1) Types of reinforcement (1) Types of Sealant (1) Types of Wall AAC block Bonds (1) Types of Wall Brick Bonds (1) Types of Wall concrete Bonds (1) Types of Wall Stone Bonds (1) types of wind (1) U-Value (1) underground tanks (1) UNI 11044; Rilem - 23 (1) UNI EN ISO18122 (1) UNI EN15148 (1) UNI EN15403 (1) Upanishad (1) US FEDERAL SPECIFICATION (1) USFDA (1) USG full form (1) UV Resistance test (1) V The Volunteer (1) vast (1) vast direction (1) vasu tip (1) Vernier Caliper (1) Very easy rules of KP Astrology (1) Vinyl adhesive (1) VOC content (1) VOC test (1) VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUND (1) volume of solids (1) Volume solids (1) volumetric expansion (1) W{T 1000 (1) WARPAGE (1) water absorption (2) Water Absorption Coefficient test (1) Water absorption test (1) water balancing (1) water based paint (1) water cement ratio (1) water chemistry balance (1) Water droplet test (1) Water mixed SLC. Floor leveller (1) water permeability test (1) water pond test (2) Water ponding and rectification work (1) water proofing membranes (1) water retaining structures (2) Water retentivity (1) Water stopper (1) water tank (1) Water tanks (2) water vapour diffusion test (1) water vapour transmission test (1) Water-proofing & Damp-Proofing membrane (1) waterbars (1) Waterproofing (1) Waterproofing coating and paint (1) waterproofing membrane (1) Waterproofing MTO App (1) WATERPROOFING ON EXISTING TILES (1) waterproofing treatment (6) waterproofing treatment for expansion joints (1) WATERSTOP (1) Wet areas & kitchens (2) Wet cladding & dry cladding (1) wet density (1) Wet film gauge (1) WET FILM THICKNESS (1) WFT (1) What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Self Healing Concrete (1) What is Abiotic Concrete (1) What is bio concrete (1) What is BMI (1) what is Challenge Number (1) What is mesh size (1) What is range consideration for BMI (1) What is Self healing concrete (1) What to audit as per ISO? (1) which direction (1) which grade of concrete where to use (1) Which mix concrete where to use (1) WHICH TYPE OF SURFACE FOR WHAT (1) Who am I (1) Why TMT bars (1) Why 20mm dolly to be used (1) Why do you need Self Healing Concrete (1) why epoxy / PU for clean rooms? (1) Why to maintain tile & stone joints grout? joints movement (1) Wicke-Kallenbac (1) wind force (1) Wonders of the world (1) Wounders of the world (1) WPM 002 (1) WPM 004 (2) WPM 265 (1) WPM 300 (1) X cut. (1) XPS (1) Young’s Modulus (1) zehntner (1) ಜನಪ್ರಿಯ ಗಾದೆಗಳು (1)